Tag Archive | reading

A Public Diary..

I finally just got around to reading through Blogs in Media Education by Adrian Miles. Better late than never hey!

This reading was interesting, I like how it explained why we choose to use blogs to display our thoughts and our work, especially on a public platform where we can share our ideas with other people who may be in the same learning space as we are. Adrian explains how our work on our blog can ‘make a contribution to a larger community,’ and I think this is a really cool thing. If what I post on my blog today can be read by someone else tomorrow and it can in some way contribute to how they think about something in life, that’s pretty rad.

Using our blogs ‘to document and explore changes in our lives’ is also a good statement I took away from this reading. The idea that my blog is like my diary of thoughts, out for the public to see, slightly scares me, but it also inspires me to want to write about things that I love and things that I have something worthy to say about – so when people do read through my blog, it will represent me and my interests, passions and dreams. I feel like this reading helped me gain more of an appreciation for this blog process and it gave me a better insight into what kind of blog I want to run.