
Korsakow Major Group Project – Personal Idea!

As music is a hugely influential and majorly important part of my life, I would really love to make a Korsakow documentary film based around music. Something to do with rhythm and pace and movement, with the main contention being based around what music means to various different people.

I feel like this could be done well on Korsakow, each video clip interlaying between people talking about music and why they love it etc, people playing musical instruments, and people listening to music via headphones. I feel ike this could work out to be a powerful non linear film, showing the audience how big a part music does play in our everyday lives.

Symposium Week 8

Yeah so, I’m sadly running out of motivation to write these blog posts, I am trying though… I haven’t written a post about any of the symposiums thus far in this course, so I thought I’d post here my notes from todays lecture. There’s not many, but here are the main things I found interesting or important from todays discussion 🙂

. Set of rules and constraints are good in creativity – get things done!

. Our clips mean things, not in themselves, but in the relations in Korsakow.

. Hard to narrate a multilinear sequence of footage

. Intend doesn’t always get across. – No guarantee your audience will think of or interpret your work the way you plan for them too.

. K-Films are good at expressing relationships – without having to include a hierarchy of importance.

. As soon as you categorize a piece of work, audiences will bring their own values and speculations along for the ride.


Hi. I’m back. I’ve been a bit absent for the past week and I apologise! I went up to Sydney during week 7 and attended The Voice Australia Showdowns filming four days in a row. I love going up there and watching how the show is made, I feel like I learn a lot just by observing the crew. So yeah, I was away and haven’t really been on here. But I’m back and ready for week 8! After this long weekend, learning all commence once again.

Thoughts on the topic of Integrated Media



Money-Mailer-Integrated-MediaI know that the practical side of this course has so far been engaging with video material, but the whole concept of ‘Integrated Media’ is far broader, as discussed in the lectures weekly. This image is the basic representation of what Integrated Media actually means and how it affects and plays a major role in today’s society.The merging of traditional media and new media has and still continues to create a much smaller world, where everyone is connected by both small and large digital devices. Platforms such as twitter and Facebook enable people worldwide to share and interact with information, images, videos and conversations, in a way that was never possible before such media and the internet. Integrated Media is a huge part of our everyday lives these days, and I’m not sure how the world would survive without it.


Week 6 Reading!

Reading by Matt Soar.

“I think what the web offers is an opportunity to examine and understand very small everyday details of our lives.” – Cat Kizek, the NFB’s filmmaker in residence has stated. This quote from the reading got me thinking about Korsakow and the sketch tasks we have been completing weekly for this course. I agree with the statement, and think that it rings true not only in film, or more so documentary film, but in all aspects of the world wide web. I know that this reading is majorly about Korsakow and documentary filmmaking with such a program, but I really want to try and expand on this idea that the internet allows us to ‘examine’ the smallest details form our everyday lives. With documentaries like the sketch films we have been working on, it is for sure apparent that this is the case. Speaking form personal work, my sketch film is a good example of this, as it is a non linear documentary that is mostly portraying very small aspects of my life.

However, it is not only documentaries like Korsakow films that offer this opportunity to share and understand details of our everyday lives, it is all networking and social media available to us on the internet at provide this opportunity too. Places such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine etc all provide a space to share bits and pieces of our daily lives with the rest of the world, or the small portion of the rest of the word that actually look at our posts. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t see at least one post on instagram of someone’s breakfast, lunch or dinner – and this is just one example of how these sites and apps allow us to share small details.

So although this weeks reading was all about Korsakow, I feel like for me, the biggest take away point is that the internet plays a huge role in providing the world with a platform to document and share their small scale, and also big scale, daily moments and details. It prompted me to think more about how this individual sharing of information and facts and images and text all combine to make mini documentaries each day, where people all over the world become interactive documentary makers of their own happenings.

Reading 5!

Paul Arthur proposes: “Galvanized by the intersection of per- sonal, subjective and social history, the essay has emerged as the leading non- fiction form for both intellectual and artistic innovation.”

According to Giannetti, for instance, “an essay is neither fiction nor fact, but a personal investigation involving both the passion and intellect of the author.”

 An essay is the expression of a personal, critical reflection on a problem or set of prob- lems. Such reflection does not propose itself as anonymous or collective, but as originating from a single authorial voice.

So this weeks reading was all about the ‘essay’ and the ‘essay form’ of documentary making. I do feel like it was quite a long reading and I didn’t completely take it all in when reading it, but in saying this there were some interesting ideas presented. The above quotes/extracts from it are just some things I found interesting or useful to my understanding of what I was reading. I really like the statement by Gianneti – ‘an essay is neither fiction nor fact, but a personal investigation involving both the passion and intellect of the author.’ I think that when creating documentary it is the directors passion that drives the story, and this statement embraces my view on essay films – that the information presented is a ‘personal investigation’ on a topic or situation rather than a bunch of facts being thrown at the audience.