K-Film: more ideas

So here are some more of the ideas we have had for our group project. I feel like these ideas are a lot more solid than what we had previously, and this overall theme of reality and discontent in life through the distortion of reality vs perception shown through a dance and a dancer’s mind is really interesting!

. Dancing feet – Music – no vocals, just instrumental. Dance is formalized

. Inside videos – life is not formalized

–       inside a studio

–       mirrors – happy/smiling – angry/upset

–       putting makeup on/taking it off – mirror

–       putting on dance shoes

–       rehearsing – teacher yelling

–       Girl crying

–       Girl receiving flowers/getting congratulated

–       Girl from behind – running away – down a laneway

–       ‘selfie’ style in studio dancing

–       young kids dancing – Abbey

narration: text and voice over.  – Inside Dancers mind.