Week 8 Analysis & Reflection Q2:

Out of the readings from week 5-7 I enjoyed most reading about film crews and ways of developing a film crew in the most effective way (week 6 reading). This reading stated that in a low budget film, the crew needs to be committed to the project, stating ‘a low-budget enterprise needs optimal unity because much will be done by few. Belief and morale really matter.’ (P.386) This really made me think to my own groups project and how we have all been working together, believing in ourselves and our film, in order to get things done the best we can. Another section of this reading I found to be interesting was the part on the Camera Department of a film crew, and especially the Camera Operator, as this is my role in my groups project. I have never really done any professional camera work before, so going into this short film project has been a little daunting to me, however I do really love learning and working with the camera. In this explanation of a good camera operator, the reading talks of how they are fairly quick to learn the signs for an actors movement, to be able to follow that movement smoothly. It discusses how a director views the scenes action in front of, or sometimes behind the camera, whereas the camera operator views it through the cameras lens, seeing it in its framed cinematic form. So this made it really clear to me that the director and camera operator have to trust each other and work as a team to capture the shots in a particular way. ‘The director must be able to rely on the camera operators discrimination,’  as the reading states. (p.396)