Analysis and Reflection2: Question 2

‘A sound must never come to the rescue of an image, nor an image to the rescue of a sound.’ I found this statement form week 3’s readingĀ Sight and HearingĀ to be really interesting and helpful in my ability to further conprehend sounds role in a film. I agree with the statement, in that sound and image on screen need to fullfil their own seperate duties before working together to create something great. By this I mean that visually the footage/images on screen have to inevitably have their own role and be fitting for the film, they should be able to stand on their own two feet and tell the story, or portray a message, same for sound. In saying this however, the two play hugely important roles in each others level of success. Sound can help set a scenes emotion, feeling and atmosphere, and when put together with footage, the two can create magic on the screen.

Another point form this reading that really intrigued me was when it stated, ‘If the eye is entirely won, give nothing or almost nothing to the ear. One cannot be at the same time all eye and all ear.’ I guess I’ve never really thought about film in this way before, but it is true. This statement helped me understand the role of sound in film on another level, whereby I agree that if what is happening on the screen doesn’t require much sound or edited sound, it is better to just leave it and allow the audience to be won over by the footage, and not bombarded by both.