I found this reading to be the most useful for myself at the beginning of this course, as I seem to struggle a little bit with actually coming up with good stories that can be made into short films. In ‘Getting An Idea’ I liked how Robin explained that some ideas may be better put to use in a song or poem etc instead of film, and this really did help me see that not every story idea is going to be suitable or make a great film. This piece of advice from the reading will indeed help me when it comes to thinking up my own stories for short films. The other main point I took away from this reading is that screenwriting is all about writing films that you yourself would like to see, this makes it easier to love the idea you come up with and helps ensure that all the feelings, characters and atmosphere’s you would like to see in a film can be included. I found the Roman Polanski quote talking about this to be really interesting and helpful.