This reading for week 11 was a bit complex. However, in my tutorial Elliot explained the main important aspects of it and this did help with my understanding:
‘Nothing is more intensely connected, more distant, more compulsory and more strategically organized than a computer network.’ – Bruno Latour
This theory is a model of communication that is beyond what we might have seen before. Model of understanding reality in terms of the entire network structure.
Ability for Actors in the network to interact – this ability is not limited by a physical geography – but communicative.
eg – Twitter and Facebook – proximity is closer to those on the other side of the world than people in the next level of this building.
Bruno argues that Networks aren’t necessarily about social networks!
Extends the idea of actors beyond people – but entities that can react to certain stimuli.
Actor-Network – entirety of the act itself – the communication has meanings contained in it.