Archive | September 2013


A main theme from this weeks symposium was that of control – How much control do authors have over their audience? and whether or not an author can control how their work is interpreted. Sitting in this lecture and taking in the different ideas being debated, I feel like I agree to some extent with each of the opinions that were put forward.

When reading a book, or watching a film or listening to a conversation, it is easy for us to make our own interpretations and assumptions on what we think to be the intent of the author or speaker. We can take in the ideas we want to, and omit those we find no use for. Our minds seem to take in such works, and view them in our own way. However, in saying this, I do strongly believe that an author can definitely have some control over the way  their work/writing is interpreted. I believe that it is a process that goes both ways, with the author setting the mark of thoughts, feelings and ideas, from which the audience can stick to or run off with. An authors work gets read, or viewed, by a varied audience. Within this audience there are people who will interpret what they observe in different ways, some being lead by the authors work and proving that an author can control the outcome of their intent on a reader, and others taking the authors work and finding their own meaning and intent.

I have to say that I do agree with both sides to the debate, and think that an author cannot have complete control over the way an audience interprets their work, however, to some extent they can get across their intended meaning, thoughts, or feelings in their writing, filming, editing, lyrics, or whatever it may be. I feel like having control in this context is not always black and white, but made up of grey areas also, where interpretation is controlled on both ends.

Look out for this young singer

If you haven’t already realised, I’m a HUGE fan of music. Music is awesome, and one of my favourite things in the entire world. I love the beat of the drums, the rhythm of the guitar, and everything in between. The lyrics to my favourite songs are like my bible, and the singers who sing them are like my saviours. When it comes to music, and the music industry, new acts are blowing up everywhere, in all different styles and genres….

And now I want you to meet JamieBoy. He’s an up and coming singer from the sunny beaches of California, USA. He’s young, but his voice is amazing, and his dance moves are crazy. Jamie has utilised the world wide web to begin his career, launch his music and begin the basis of a loyal fan base. His YouTube, Twitter and Instagram accounts are quite active, earning him many views, subscribers, and supporters. His covers show true talent, and his first single is so catchy you’ll find yourself singing it after the first listen. I truly think that JamieBoy will have a well deserved career in the music industry, and his voice will be on the radio airwaves around the world in no time. So keep an eye out for this kid, he’s going to do big things!

This entry was posted on September 12, 2013, in personal.


So, I wrote this little blog in week 6 of the course, saved it as a draft, and totally forgot about it over mid semester break…. yeah. But alls well, I’ll just post it now:

To be honest, for the past few weeks that we have been discussing Hypertext, I haven’t really fully understood it. I havn’t really been able to pin point exactly what it is and what it’s purpose is. But, in yesterdays tutorial, we had a short conversation with Elliot about it, and it helped me wrap my head around it a bit more.

Two main points I took away from this discussion were:

Hypertext exists in formats: Writing and video. Writing the most common. However, some audio projects occurring right now.

An idea from Landow – Hypertext mirrors the way we interact with the world. In many ways it reflects our way of thinking.


Just some very brief notes from todays Unsymposium…

. generative procedural system – heart of hypertext and networked

  • Interactive Documentary – still a documentary, just in a different form.
  • genre is never just about textual form
  • All stories have to make truth claims.
  • engaging in truth claims about THE world!
  • Authors cannot control interpretation of what they write – eg – Bible — They can in a small way.
  • we interpret texts – not authors or directors –
  • magical thinking
  • multi-linear – speculative!
  • causality
  • Communication is a gamble – no guarantees what we think and intend to get across will actually work.
  • context cannot survive – time changes meaning in many cases.
This entry was posted on September 10, 2013, in Unlectures.

I’ve been lazy, I know!

So I’ve just had a week off for mid-semester break, and to be honest, it doesn’t feel like I’ve had a break at all. Ironic right. But true. I’ve done lots of uni work this past week, but posting on this blog is something I’ve kind of been lazy with. But no fear, we get back in action starting Monday morning… which is actually in a few hours so I should get to sleep!

EXCITED! Just so you know…

I’m going to see one of my favourite bands, All Time Low (USA), play tonight in Melbourne, with a bunch of friends that I haven’t caught up with in what feels like forever. So yeah, I’m excited! 🙂