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Networked Media Essay

Here is a link to my Networked Media Essay

Mapping out My Essay

For my final analysis post before writing my essay, I am going to map out what I’ll be writing for it. Upon reading the guidelines for this essay, I’m a little apprehensive as it’s far from a conventional essay. This… Continue Reading →

Searching for Essay Resources

I decided in my last post that I would focus my essay around my conclusions about myself as a passive consumer, social media’s affect on the way in which the general public consume content and the impact of notifications on… Continue Reading →

A Reflection on Tracking my Media Use

From tracking my media use I learnt a lot about myself and the ways in which I use media. As I focused on a different aspect of my media use each day, I was able to come to a new… Continue Reading →

Day 7 of Documenting My Media Use

For my last day of tracking my media use, I’ll be concentrating on notifications. Whilst this isn’t necessarily something you can seek out, they definitely affect the way we use media. I had notifications across most of my social media… Continue Reading →

Day 6 of Documenting My Media Use

Today I’ll be looking at how I use streaming services. My favourite streaming service is probably Youtube, but as I’ve already covered this is a previous blog, I won’t be going to great detail about it. Another favourite streaming service… Continue Reading →

Day 5 of Documenting My Media Use

In today’s blog of tracking my media use I’ll be looking at how I create content. I’m not much of a publisher across any media platforms. Snapchat is probably my most used app to publish content. This is as I… Continue Reading →

Day 4 of Documenting My Online Media Use

In today’s blog of documenting my media use, I’ll be looking at how I use media for information purposes. For me this side of my media use is rather boring as its usually associated with work of some sort. However… Continue Reading →

Day 3 of Documenting my Media Use

In today’s blog on tracking my media use, I’ll be focusing how I use media for entertainment purposes. My main form of entertainment is Youtube and I can often spend a good hour or two watching new videos from channels… Continue Reading →

Day 2 of Tracking my Media Use

Today when tracking my media use, I’ll be focusing on how I use media to communicate. My main source of communication is usually Facebook messenger, however I was surprised to see just how many other services I use to communicate…. Continue Reading →

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