I decided in my last post that I would focus my essay around my conclusions about myself as a passive consumer, social media’s affect on the way in which the general public consume content and the impact of notifications on users. I was keen to find some articles that supported my claims and elaborated on my thoughts. However, this was not nearly as easy as I thought it would be. So many of my searches on google scholar returned nothing that I could use for my essay. I struggled to find anything relating to social media’s impact on how we consume. Most articles focussed too heavily on consumerism in the economic sense as opposed to consumption of content. So for this part of my essay, I will be using a reading from the course (Hinton, Sam, and Larissa Hjorth. Understanding Social Media. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications, 2013. Print.) Whilst I won’t be using a great deal of this reading, there are some key parts that talk about Web 2.0 and the way the internet was transformed and commodified, that I can work into my argument. I may also link in my sixth day of documenting here as I focused on streaming and how they have managed to commodify this.
For my other two arguments I eventually found articles that sound like they will tie in with my arguments nicely. I’m yet to read these articles thoroughly but can gauge from their Abstracts that they are exactly what I was looking for. One of the articles focuses on how consumers may not be as active as anticipated by marketers. The other is a case study on notifications and how they affected participants media usage. I’m looking forward to exploring these articles and hope that they will fit into my essay.
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