Ethics, surrounding online posting such as blogging, are hugely important, particularly when considering how we can use blogs as a professional tool. It is essential that we don’t leave a digital footprint that will come back to haunt us because as we know- once its out on the web, its there to stay. This is especially true for ‘key board warriors’ who have anything but a well intended message. Whilst they generally remain anonymous, it is important to remember that words have consequences and sources can be traced via IP addresses. This issue of cyber bullying is a very serious topic in today’s maelstrom of social media. It can often be hard to navigate the web that appears to be so very negative. This is why schools attempt to educate their students about the do’s and don’ts of surfing the web. I myself recall having to sign a communication and electronic policy in both primary and high school. In particular with the evolution of the camera phone, far more implications arose and thus schools cracked down harder on use of mobile phones. The policies we were made to sign included rules such as no defamation, no discrimination, no producing false or misleading content, no impersonating someone or posting on behalf of a suspended member. We were made to be highly aware of our requirements when posting in an online space and rightfully so. Nowadays I’m working towards working professionally in an online space and must be very conscious of the things I post.
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