For this reshoot my aim was to simplify the scene to a point where it could be done in one shot. Therefore I had to make some adjustments to achieve this. I changed locations to a different bathroom as it had a light above the mirror which I thought would help to shroud the background in darkness. However I did not test this light before shooting and just assumed it would be weak, when it was actually quite strong and illuminated the majority of the room. However, rather than use the ceiling light, I still opted for the mirror light as it was a fluorescent that gave a quite white and stark result. This change of location also meant less space as the bathroom was significantly smaller than the one I first shot in. Furthermore the position of the door made it hard for my actor to exit because of where I had the tripod set up. I also decided to cut out ‘Clair’ from the scene as I wanted to have more focus on the monologue. Therefore I started the scene from ‘Frank’s’ line of “I’ll be down in a minute.” I had my actor call this out as if it were to someone outside of the room. I included this line as opposed to launching straight into the monologue as I still wanted the shock factor of ‘Frank’ suddenly acknowledging the audience. As no context for the cuff links was provided I cut them out.
Furthermore, I changed my actor. Whilst my actor is only twenty and I had originally wanted someone middle-aged (to avoid detracting from the power of the monologue), he has a beard which helped to age him and add maturity. He also delivered the lines well as I gave him a week to memorise them. I attempted to work with him on his deliberate pauses. I had originally not given much thought of my actor using an accent but he was more comfortable using one similar to ‘Frank’s’.
I changed my blocking to pan across my actor and have him turn to directly face the camera. I had planned to do a pull focus from his reflection to his face once he turned around. I wanted to use a shallow depth of field to isolate the viewer with ‘Frank’. However as I decided to borrow a more easily accessible and lighter camera from a friend, I did not have this luxury because the lens did not allow it. I did initially want to use the course cameras but after lugging them back an fourth for several days on public transport for an hour and a half my motivation waned.
Overall I think the shoot went reasonably well but I’m interested to see the final shot on screen.
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