Upon editing my first attempt of a monologue, I realised a huge error had been made- there wasn’t any sound! This occurred when our attempt to be tech savvy by using the boom and mixer was thwarted by a dodgy cord. So after ditching the mixer we assumed that the camera would be recording sound, however it turns out that we had it switched to ‘line’ and not ‘mic’.Therefore I made the decision to take the audio from the original Gossip Girl clip and attempt to sync it with my footage. This was somewhat successful in serving its purpose but overall it was a tad cringe worthy.

As am not quite proficient in using the class cameras quite yet, it never occurred to me to consider depth of field. In the original scene a shallow depth of field is used to convey the intimate and vulnerable nature of what Blaire is reading to Serena. In mine however, I used a deep depth of field on my class mate who played Serena. This I feel almost removes the viewer from the moment, just as Blaire and Serena became so far removed from each other.

My lighting in comparison to the original is far more harsh and gives a clinical feel. Whilst this was mainly unintentional as I had to use the available light source, I do like the detachment it conveys between the characters. I could have chosen to shoot elsewhere on campus with softer lighting but settled for the hallway because I liked its length and layout.

In my version it turned out that I crossed the line. I had to watch my version and sketch out the placement of my actors in oder to figure out how I managed this when the original did not. From sketching out my scene as I saw it in my final product, I realised that I had altered the placement of my actors to be able to fit them in the hallway with the camera behind them. In the original the actors are parallel form one another in a sort of east-west direction. In mine I had to rotate them to a north-south direction. Therefore my over the shoulder shot of the actor who played Serena, crossed the line.

Overall I’m pleased with this scene in terms of framing. The mistakes with sound and crossing the line have been helpful in highlighting things I need to consider in my next exercise. I’m eager to continue to explore the monologue.