“Make connections and give your mate a dollar to use his song” is the most important message I retained from this week’s ‘lectorial’ (ok seriously it was a lecture can we stop pretending it’s also a tut, I just sat and listened to people speak for 2 hours THAT IS A LECTURE). Copyright, as interesting as it is, is also pretty damn important. I mean I can’t post anything to YouTube without it being pulled down for ‘infringing copyright’, SoundCloud constantly bombards you with ‘take-down’ notices for the exact same thing; even though in both, I’ve credited the artist, and I’m not making money for the use of the song… so what’s the issue? The issue is that record companies are stupid, annoying, infuriating, and love to get in the way of anything original. Cheers corporations! At least Australia is a bit more relaxed in terms of copyright- except when it comes to Men At Work.
But I think the quote is pretty great (from Rachel), because I’m keen to use my mates’ music, keen to spread their music to strangers’ ears. Plus, it’s important to make connections where and when possible, and musicians are generally pretty awesome people. So fuck yeah, student inter-relations FTW!