The Block

OK so I don’t usually like reality TV, not at all, but for some reason I am drawn to The Block.

For those of you who’ve never watched, The Block follows (usually 4) teams as they renovate a crappy run-down pile of poo and make it sparkly and pretty. It’s filmed in Melbourne and is really great at endorsing all the tradies and giving them some publicity as well as showing off Aussie designs.

But it’s the comedy factor that is great, the banter between the lads (who are mostly tradies themselves) and the gags. I mean there was just an entire 5 minutes dedicated to the incident where a tiler took a dump in the toilet that wasn’t hooked up.

I mean… who hasn’t been in that situation… you’re at your girlfriend’s parents’ house or something and you’re busting to drop a deuce. Your stomach is cramping. That lil baby is prairie doggin’

 Seen how those little fellas pop in and out? That’s your turd. And it’s a comin’… you’re squirmin’… and to top things off you’re at your girlfriend’s parents’ place for dinner the first time and you’re goddamn nervous. OK so you excuse yourself because you’re literally going to shit yourself and you run to the toilet, you lay that TP down in the water as to silence that badboy that’s been brewin’ and you try and push without letting out a deafening fart, flushing 3-4 times as to minimize the strong manly scent oozing from that giant load you just layed. But she’s stuck in there… won’t go down the hole… you’re panicking, absolutely and entirely panicking. Each time you flush it just sticks its head back up, and that’s one big bad boy rollin’ around in there. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!??!!??

Laugh uncontrollably. 


See, now that’s a smart move by The Block, poo gags always get the laughs, and it’s like that throughout. Not only do you learn design tips for your new bedroom in a basement warehouse in Footscray Southwest but you also have a good ol’ laugh whilst you’re watching, that’s important in Aussie TV, to just not take yourself too seriously and have a bit of a laugh. This is why The Castle was such an amazing success as a film, why Steven Curry is my bloody idol; because put a tinny in your stubby holder, crack that beast and chuck some snags on a bloody barby. 



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