During Week 4 we explored the notion of texture within film. Moving away for the standardised subjective syncratic relationship of Sound and Vision. The required reading for this week was three separate clips of films which were considered highly textual in nature. They consisted of Stoker (2013), The Duke of Burgundy (2014) and Arrival (2016). As I have not seen any I decided to disseminate one of the films and try to understand the textual nature within them. Throughout this film I found that I was generally focusing within the Texture IN Film, in which Mediated objects of Environment, Architecture and Scale were shaping my experience. Opening scenes within the film were intrinsically rich, dark, and lonely in nature. Helping the audience immerse themselves within the world and take a sympathetic nature with the protagonist Louise Banks (Amy Adams)
Opening Scenes
Exploring Architecture and Space
Additionally, during the point of discovery (seeing the spaceship for the first time) various visual and environmental cues were made. One of which featured below Scientist, Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) running his fingers across the bottom of the spaceship. The texture of surface coupled with the characters movement and state of emotion evoked a hereditary texture experience / frisson effect within me.
Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) running fingers across bottom of Spaceship
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