Part 17 in the Working from Home Series

I really enjoyed the scripts that Robin had wrote in Part 17 set in the bookshop! I had a lot of fun imagining what each scene would look like. I imagined a lot of different versions… I imagined a more alternative independent spin on it and a mainstream Hollywood version. I much preferred the former idea.

I imagine a bookstore that is quite old, a lot of dark woods, little rooms and warm yellow lighting.

I imagined this version without an establishing shot, whereas the more mainstream ‘Hollywood’ version would have a few establishing shots. For example a shot of the city (maybe a drone or helicopter shot), then some traffic, then the bookstore. In the independent version I imagined that it would not include such an ‘impressive’ establishing shot. It would begin on some close up shots of books and people walking around the store. I then imagine the camera shows Ella in a mid shot, then cuts to a closer shot onto her face. I think the section of her choosing books and putting the one she wants horizontally will all be in one tight shot, but enough for you to see all the actions. I wouldn’t want to exclude the action of her putting the book she wants horizontally down because it is important to the plot. But also wouldn’t want draw too much attention to it, so I wouldn’t have it as its own shot.

For Juliette to enter the scene, I think the shot of Ella will just swap to another angle, completely front onto Ella. Then Juliette would walk into the shot. I think at this point it might be useful to see how the two actors interact and then take it from there.

In terms of their conversation, I would imagine a shot reverse shot in the ‘Hollywood’ style and mostly just one singular shot showing the conversation in the independent version. Maybe switching it up and changing to a closer shot of a characters face if we need to see a closer reaction during the conversation. I think this shot would be great without too much movement. The horizontal book would be inferred by gestures and the conversation. I’m imagining a short depth of field for this shot. This way we can have minimal shots but also keep the attention on the characters.

For scene 2, I don’t imagine using a dolly as I like the idea of these scenes being quite technically simple. I don’t think it’s too important to show the shop keepers point of view but it is important to have a shot where they react to why Ella is looking over at Juliette so often. I think a lot of cuts in this scene is important. I imagine the camera to be a bit closer to Ella and Juliette to be quite a bit further on the other side of the shop.

In terms of the EFTPOS machine, I think it would be nice to see Ella try to pay, look away and as we are watching her look away, in a close up shot, the machine makes a noise which is obviously it declining and Ella’s head quickly turns back to the shopkeeper. I don’t believe it would be important for the audience to see the words ‘approved’, maybe again a noise or you can slightly see that a receipt has printed out.

Seeing Ella run out, I think would be a neutral feel. I imagine a long shot from behind of Ella with the shop assistant giving her the book and her grabbing it and running out of the shot. Then cuts to a shot from outside onto the door straight on with Ella running out and stopping at the door and frantically looking from left to right.

For scene 3 I imagine shots where the background is blurred but it is still quite obvious there are a lot of onlookers. I think the coverage would stay the same. I know this is the third scene but I think it still seems as if it is all one scene. I like the idea of many slow shots and the pace gets faster and faster up to just before the slap, then the slap happens and it all sort of stops. After the slap it all slows down a bit. I imagine the dialogue after the slap to be quite slow too.

I shall have a go at making a floor plan for this one!