Actors ~ Part 1

In this class we chatted about the actors role in film and decoupage, I really enjoyed this class! As Robin said at the end of the class, once you’ve touched on it and start thinking about actors and how they do their jobs in films, it becomes something you look out for more. Which is true, I am now very aware about how they move in the shot and so on. Actors are very rarely something I think about when watching a film or tv show unless I believe that an actor is either completely terrible or absolutely wonderful. Or if I watch the movie or show more than once.

While on the topic of acting an example of something I have seen recently that I wasn’t quite sure had the strongest acting presence was in Little Women. At least in my opinion! I haven’t read the book which could quite possibly be a reason as to why I didn’t enjoy this film in comparison to some of my friends. But I didn’t find a lot of the performances as believable. I’m not entirely sure if it was the editing or the acting in this film that I didn’t like, or it possibly could have been a mix of both together. I believe that most of these actors are quite young and don’t have much experience in period films. I think this was my main issue, it didn’t quite seem that they had a grasp on how to act in a period piece. Although maybe I am nit picking a little too much. And maybe I don’t know enough about acting! But my motto is that if you think about how the actor is acting on your first viewing of the film…then it possibly isn’t that great. I’m sure there are many exceptions to this, but I think this is quite true in most films. Of course when you go back and view a film a few more times it becomes more obvious to you that they are indeed acting and it’s not a real scene that you are watching. And also I suppose I should point out that I would also recognise an actors ability on the first viewing if they are incredibly amazing at their roles too.

This was an extreme side bar, but in class today I had one clip that I particularly enjoyed! The Swimmer with Burt Lancaster was by far my favourite! In particular one shot I thought was absolutely wonderful and not quite like something I have ever seen before!

I loved how the glass dropped into the scene, what a great way to introduce a character! Or at least introduce a character into the scene. It feels sudden but not at all in a worrying way. It is friendly and inviting and I think it is such a simple movement, but I really enjoyed it. And it’s something that I could possibly create or take inspiration from because it is not too crazy and unattainable.