Class #3

In class number 3 we talked about the focus puller among other jobs that are on a film set. I have only worked on small film sets in the past, so I actually was unaware that there is a person with the specific job of pulling the focus. I found it interesting that the focus is also marked on the tape before the shooting of the scene too, seems helpful!

I also wasn’t aware that the continuity person was responsible for the pacing of a shot. I worked on continuity on a short film set and wasn’t told to add this step! Although I think this would become more and more important as the film got longer. We filmed one scene per day on the set I was in, so it was possibly easier to keep track of the pacing.

I think in general this class seemed very relevant to what we are learning about as whole this semester. It is essential to know who is responsible for what on set which then determines who is in charge of the coverage of the shot. I think in a more general and vague sense that the coverage of the shot is achieved by a team effort from every single person on set. For example, if the focus puller doesn’t correctly focus on an actor at some point of the shot, it can’t be used. Although if we are discussing more precisely who plans what is covered it would either be the director or the 1AD who is writing up the shot list. Although possibly if you go farther back, it is the script writer that is the one who vaguely plans the shots.