Peer Review Assignment 3


This piece was by far my favourite! When we were at the exhibition I think I spent a solid ten minutes playing with her project and trying to master playing! It was such a clever but simple idea, one of those things that makes you want to have thought of it by yourself! I think that it was very clever to find out a way to play two keys as once. She would have had to program a key for each key on the piano and I imagine the patcher would look very confusing! My one very small piece of criticism is that the instructions could have been a bit more neat and less confusing. But it wasn’t too hard to follow!


I really enjoyed this piece too! I thought it was also a really smart and clever idea! Justin explained to us how he made the project and it seemed very complicated! It was very smart in the way that for the buttons he used two different photos to create the button with shadows. I also really loved the music and this this gave an amazing extra touch, it really felt like you were racing to win! The flames and effects in the background were also amazing! This is nothing I would ever have thought of! I think my piece of criticism would be to make it very slightly easier to win. I stood there for a while and didn’t win. But I do understand that the game was in fact supposed to be difficult!


The last project I wanted to talk about was Charmaine’s. Again, I think this was a really clever idea and I think it’s cool that she thought of it! It is also something that is actually useful and could be used as an actual colour blindness test. I really liked the layout of the piece and think it looked aesthetically pleasing when in presentation mode. It was easy to read and understand what was going to happen in the piece. I think my only criticism would be that it possibly didn’t sustain my attention for as long as intended. Otherwise, I really enjoyed playing with this and had quite a bit of fun!