Adrian spoke about API’s at the last symposium and having no real understanding of what this meant… i did a little digging. It stands for: A – application P – programming I – interface Well that sill means nothing to me… sorry Wikipedia, that just won’t do. It went on to say, “specifies a software component in terms […]
Author: Sarah Ormsby
<!doctypehtml> <html> <head> <title> first attempt… </title> </head> <h1> well this isn’t so bad? </h> <body> <p> well i might be getting in some sneaky practice and calling it a blog post… but hey this html coding stuff isn’t so bad! </p> <p> I was feeling quite nervous about the on coming exam so I decided […]
this side of paradise
<iframe src=”//” width=”612″ height=”710″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowtransparency=”true”></iframe> Every now and then you read a book that somewhere inside deeply affects you. For me Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise has done just that. This passage I wish to share… “We want to believe. Young students try to believe in older authors, constituents try to believe in […]
For all the good social media has done for brands and companies… use it incorrectly and you may be committing brand name suicide. Positive brand association… out the window! Good reputation… gone! Campaign… shut down! E-consultancy dedicated a page to the 2013 Top 16 social media fails from which I found these examples… Strip club Spearmint […]
teaching network literacy to the illiterate
My father has recently joined Facebook. image from Odesk This image largely sums up my attitude towards his joining the social networking giant. I constantly dread the never-ending questions like “how do i do the picture thing again?” and “how do they know that i know they liked it?” However, when I stop to […]
relaxed copyright… more to gain?
During the Symposium, Adrian gave the example of Disney’s song “Let it go”, made famous by the movie Frozen, as a relaxed approach to copyright law, one in particular that benefits the right holder due to enormous amounts of positive exposure. With a large international fan base, the song has generated over 60,000 covers from […]
Coffee o’clock #coffetime
Some interesting coffee statistics here from favecoffee including the fact the total amount spent on speciality coffee each year in Australia is over $800 million!! For anyone looking a great cup of coffee in Melbourne, here’s the website of the App I use to find awesome new coffee spots. You can check out the reviews […]
Family time in the digi-age #phonepost
Mum and dad playing ‘words with friends’ against each other on their respective iPads while I snap this “selfie” of us on my iphone as we all sit in front of the tv watching the news. Is this the family of the digi age? Is this what family time looks like in many Western homes? […]
a McLuhanism…..
“The nature of people demands that most of them be engaged in the most frivolous possible activities—like making money.” – Marshall McLuhan Someone one told me that you generally stay in a job for one of three reasons: the people, thee money or because you simply love the job. McLuhan seems to suggest that money […]
Framing the world #phonepost
Image from How do you see the world? Is is it framed by a rectangle? Do you see it in colour or black and white? Is it flat or 3D? When you think about image, how do you game it? Imagine a movie shot/played entirely in a circular frame? Or even the shape of […]