Week Three: A general reflection on our workshop

One of the strongest motivating factors for me in moving to study at RMIT (having transferred from Brisbane where I studied Mass Communications nonetheless) was the heavy emphasis I know placed on “practically making media” within this degree. Unfortunately during my previous studies, there was such a strong focus placed on learning about and engaging with the media from strictly a theoretical standpoint, I really felt as though not much learning per se was occurring at all. Especially as a kinaesthetic learner, I benefit most from interacting with different technologies to understand how they function and thus how to operate media for different purposes.

Thus far I have loved the activities that we are required to complete in Media One, especially being the requirement to fixate our attention on manipulating footage using poetic licence to a desired effect. Because Premier is a sophisticated software program, I’m hoping to pick it up quickly to improve upon my skills set which will enable me to a partake in a broader range of work experience opportunities far more early on in my degree. Again, the breadth of experience opportunities available in Melbourne, as opposed to in Brisbane, was so central in my decision making process of whether or not to move.

Focusing in on this upcoming task, I’m taking into consideration the elements of the haiku task that I completed successfully and those that, in retrospect, I could have improved upon. I’m also trying to tease out a broader range of editing techniques that I didn’t touch on in the previous task that will help create a far more dynamic and authentic construction. Working in this regard (with such a heavy emphasis placed on the practical side of “media making”) only reiterates my objective to enter the production side of documentary, television or radio and that I made the right decision to move inter-state.

Sarah MacKenzie

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