Week nine has been quite productive in regards to the progress we have made towards our micro (I heard someone use that terms the other day and so am adopting it) documentary. On Friday we had the opportunity to showcase examples of our work to date to the class and so Bronte and I selected some grabs of our footage with Rochelle to get feedback from.
Rochelle, from Share the Dignity, was our first interview, followed by Zoe from Cottons and (as of yesterday) Green’s Senator Janet Rice. Essentially, the feedback that we received for our footage with Rochelle re-confirmed what we already know. The composition of the image is relatively good yet the lighting coming from the right side (through the window) needs to somehow be toned down. (It was difficult to get the lighting right on the day as Rochelle was doing us a massive favour by meeting up while in Melbourne for such a short time and her hotel room was the only available spot). Aside from this, we also need to adjust the colour to Rochelle’s left, as it’s quite “yellow.”
I’m much happier with the lighting and composition of Zoe’s interview, which was filmed at my house and therefore easier to control.
From here we’ll have to sift through the footage and decipher what points we have covered and what footage we are yet to collect to fill in the gaps. After we do this, Bronte and I will be able to really determine the purpose of the film, how we need to shape the footage that we have to fit this narrative and what is still missing.
We also filmed another interview, yesterday, with Green’s Senator Janet Rice. I haven’t yet been able to look at the footage but am somewhat concerned that the composition won’t look as good as what I had hoped it would be. We were also quite rushed and felt that her answers were quite rehearsed. Of course we understand this goes with the territory, given that she is a politician.
In the event that the footage of Senator Rice isn’t visually what we had hoped for, we can use the audio footage to support other b-roll footage, so aren’t overly concerned. As it is the, film is quite “content heavy”.
Outside of this interview footage, we have already acquired the permission from several sources (including Q&A) to use their clips in our film. We also need to conduct vox pops on the street, however, I think it would be way better to do this once we complete a paper edit and know what it is that we are looking for exactly.