
Today in the lecture we discussed the notion of copyright is that although it is a lot more detailed and tricky than I initially thought it isn’t something that we automatically gain. Our ideas are not protected by copyright and facts are not protected by copyright. This means if you have some incredible idea for a film or painting or song etc., until you put those thoughts in action and create something it truly is anyone’s idea. What I found extraordinary was that copyright last for the duration of the author PLUS another 70 years on top of that! But what happens when something falls out of copyright? When work falls out of copyright I falls into the public domain. Some of the greatest work we know lye in the public domain such as Shakespeare and Beethoven. And what does this mean exactly? In essence it is open for the public with no copyright restrictions. Therefore we can take Shakespeare’s work and do an interruptive play or find easy access to his work.

Why Film Editing Is So Important

Editing is part of the creative post-production process and is crucial to smoothly including all the elements of a good movie. Editing can be described as the ability to select, cut and arrange images in a way that attaches meaning to the footage. A good movie will change constantly throughout the film and that is why editing is very important. If a shot is played for too long it risk disengaging with its audience as they may start to get bored. The way a film is edited is also very telling of the films genre. For example if the movie is an action or horror film it may use many jump cuts to effectively drive the thrill and the storyline. Editing is also extremely important when indicating whose point of view the storyline is based from. But editing isn’t just about the ability to manipulate time and the story of the film through cuts, it also includes adding sound voice-overs and special effects into the footage. Why is sound important? Sound alone has so much power. It can make or break a film

Story Telling

In todays lecture we explored the notion of storytelling and which parts of the story can be altered or changed around versus the parts that are crucial for that point in the story.
We were asked to think of a story and put it onto sticky notes- the story can be as wacky crazy or entertaining as we please but we had to be able to move the cards around so that no matter where they sat the story would still make sense. What we realised is that if the card had a time or setting on it was most likely to going to flexible across the storyline. A story will have a beginning middle end and turning point but the interesting thing was after having changed the cards around we were able to tell a new story with the same storyline.

Typical linear storyline

Mixing the cards completely but still having a story that makes sense

Keeping the first and last cards the same and changing the middle cards

What is Media?

So what is media? or as also decribed ME-dia, and how do we share it? In one of this weeks’ readings it became apparent that although our media consumption is revolved around ourselves, it can be consumed in many different ways- it can be one to one, or us to many, and even a collective to a collective. All of which produce communication through responses, comments messages, opinions and statements. The reading explores how media was easier to define in the broadcasting era whereas now or post broadcasting so many new layers of media and ways we can connect have formed. For example a routinely day for me as a consumer of media in the post-broadcasting era drives this point. I wake up early in the morning and the very first thing I do is lean over grab my phone switch it off airplane mode so that I can scroll through Facebook and instagram to see any photos upload overnight (i.e internationally) and famailairse myself with any trends or breaking news both political or entertainment over facebook at that also happened overnight. So already I have visited two media platforms and I haven’t even got out of bed yet. I then go on to check my text messages, an example of one to one media communcations, followed by group emails or twitter posts. I finally get out of bed. Oh but it doesn’t end there! No my day has just begin as little as 2 minutes and I am already consuming my next bit of media as I switch on the tv and open the newspaper. This trend doesn’t finish there, whether its on the train scrolling through my phone or at uni surfing online on my laptop the consumption of media is never ending. Even right up to the point where I switch my light off I watching youtube videos, vines or on istagram. How does this affect me though? And do I have an even distribution of one-to one or many to many or many to one styles of communication spread out across my own consumptions?

“It’s not what you like, it’s what you’re like”- Emily Mitrevski

“It’s not what you like, it’s what you’re like”- Emily Mitrevski
In class we discussed ways to explore the project brief 2. A classmate of ours said something that really hit me hard since I myself was rather stuck on the idea of a self-portrait and how I was to express myself through film. We put so much time and effort into everything around us I realised that in the realm of it all I’d lost sight of my true identity. As an even younger self I establish a good identity but as I left school and time changed which affected the time I had for hobbies and other activities a began to change as well. I guess it’s a transitional period in life. But Emily was right when trying to search for the core of our identity it aren’t what we like in life its what we are like. This flipped the whole diameter of thinking for me because instead of thinking from my perspective I instead through of myself from somebody else’s shoes.

A miracle has landed, finally we were introduced to an actual sight that provides actual footage that we can ACTUALLY use to manipulate edit paste as much as we’d like. This beautiful place is called For any media maker (or any media maker that sat in for the copyright lecture) you would know there are strict and sustain rules surrounding what we can use and play with that isn’t ours. Found Footage is basically like pre-exisiting footage. I spent hours of fun editing and manipulating footage then deleting and starting over! pointless? maybe, fun? defiantly.

Forms of Noticing

As my last blog explored I consume a lot of media on the regular, but how much of this do I actually notice. Media has become such a huge factor in our lives that I check my phone screen as automatically as I breath. Furthermore I open up Facebook without even realizing when I open safari. So what is the art of noticing? The art of noticing is literally as it says it is in its title, its the ability to notice all the media around you walking around it became super clear to me that everywhere we go no a days has media somewhere. In public the majority of it is advertising, Its actually everywhere!! and because we see it so much we don’t notice it anymore. Well after exploring this idea I have defiantly started to notice!


Our task was to go out and take photos of all the different sorts of media that we noticed around us. I was super interesting looking around realising how much more space than you though was consumed by adverts, pictures, posters, News clips even movies and tv shows. I guess from this I can conclude that there isn’t much point putting the phone down for a couple of days to attempt to get away from screens for awhile because one way or another you will run in to them so how DUH DUH DUUUHHHHH….