There Is No Such Thing As An Original Idea

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.” Mark Twain

This was a heartbreaking truth that was brought up in todays lecture, and to be honest it hit me really hard! there are ideas floating around every corner of the earth and every bit of inspiration that we take is from someone else’s idea of someone else’s idea. As much as this quote is very real and very true I’ve decided to almost ignore this idea because it isn’t about creating something that has no pre existing history on earth, at least not in my mind. To me its more about creating something that is formed from the inspiration of the worlds greatest theories, artists actors, poets and mathematician etc because I am no Einstein nor Picasso but the work and theories they have provided create a whole new diameter and thinking space for us to create work so yes there may be no such thing as a new a idea but rather then looking at it like that, I would rather look at it like the world creates by building off each others ideas and and improves “remixes” takes there best aspects, becomes inspired off them so that evolve as a society. Its far better that way I think.

Project Brief 4 Questions

Here are some questions from the project Em and I are working which highlight whether we are completely understanding the texts we are reading or if we are submissive and accepting to everything we read.

Is the medium the message?

What we read is how we think

Will you buy it?

1 will write 1000 will read

what aren’t we reading about?

If the government says no, its got to go

Are we limiting editions?

Do you believe everything you read?

Eat, read, agree, sleep

What we don’t know cant hurt us, right?

What’s the real message?

Research for Project Brief 4

I did some research on media regulating just to give me a bit of insight on how powerful bodies can control the content we view or recommend to us what we should or shouldn’t be watching or reading. the point of this was because it ties in nicely with the idea that we need to question more the content we have access to are the reason behind why we are reading what we read.

I found an awesome video that explores how regulating dates as far back as the 1279! take a peek:

More about audiences

The audience and the producer are becoming to integrate. Platforms like podcasting, blogs, and YouTube all allow audiences to be their own mediators.
I find this idea extremely fascinating as it puts the power back into the hands of the people. We can now create our own media and collaborate with others. Audience’s can now edit and string together there owns works and from that become a celebrity. An audience can respond to a work and make it as public as the work itself. The makes the line more blurred between the creator and the receiver.

Target Audiences

How to identify a target audience






What kind of audience am I? Where do I fit in the spectrum of target audiences?

I think the easiest way to fit yourself into a target audience is to recognise what dominant values you have at this point?

Some of my dominant values include:

To be fit and healthy→Ideal target audience for health promo
Well I am young-but old enough to enjoy mature content→ American pie styled teen movies
I am a girl→ would try to target me to watch any sort of chick flick comedy film such as →brides maids and pitch perfect
Earning money or living the Uni life→ cheap Tuesday


Audiences; its something you wouldn’t normally consider extremely important when making your own master art in my opinion because ultimately you feel as though its your work and it’ll come out the way you want it to. But this is very wrong, after the lecturer today I realised that it was actually so so important to include your audience into your piece and media makers all around the world weigh a lot of their work depending on the audience. For example advertising would be a huge amount if not all consumer based because they are trying to sell a product to a target audience of a particular group of people they feel would be most prone to be interested in the product. A question I had though was in film does the brilliant film idea come first and then they match it to an audience or is the brilliant film created around and intended audience group that they feel they will profit the most from? I guess its dependant on the filmmakers themselves.

Brain Teasers

In light of Narration- One of my favourite films is Crash, 2004, Paul Haggis. Crash is a great movie to explore it has a structure that is methodical I guess in a mixed and jigsawed way. It reminds me a lot of Inception. There about 8 main or side plots that all intertwine in one way or another. Crash explores social values that came out of post 9/11. Anyone who likes a smart film that has gaps and intertwinings that arnt fully understood until the end should watch these two trailers and then if they like what they see I highly recommend watching the films!

Trailer for Crash, 2004, Paul Haggis

Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind


Story telling has been around us virtually since birth however this chapter takes a close look at how films may embody narrative as a form. Narrative is more likely to be in fictional films but can also be recognised in all sorts of genres. An example of this is a documentary- docos usually have a storyline, as we watch something grow or learn from start to finish about an occurrence or historical part of time. Narrative usually begins with a situation and a series of changes occur to a pattern of cause and effect. Then a new situation will occur which brings an end to the narrative. In films a typical narrative will have a beginning, middle or turning point and a resolution at the end. A film does not just start it begins. The opening offers a foundation for what is to come. In some cases, the plot will try to stimulate interest by bringing us into a series of actions that has already started. But not all films are this way some like to finish on a low, which can be seemingly frustrating for the audience. How we make sense of a narrative is by identifying its events and linking them to cause and effect, time and space. Cause and effect logic is every event within the narrative is presumed to be the result of a cause and the source of an effect. A film s narration not only manipulates the range of knowledge but also manipulates the depth of our knowledge. Narration is the way the plot presents story information to the audience. This process may shift between restricted and unrestricted ranges of knowledge and varying degrees of objectivity and subjectivity.

Project #3 Feedback

I received the feedback for my 3rd assessment and was really happy with what people had to say. They seemed to like the change up half way through and thought my sound effects were really effective. I appreciate this kind of feedback because I wasn’t sure how people would respond to my work initially as it was a bit touchy. Because Andrew transition from 2 parts of his life I wanted to make a clear and distinct separation through slow and upbeat, sad and happy, bleak and bright. this was well understood by my audience.

India’s Film


Some absolutely amazing work was presented in class that’s for sure. MY favourite video honestly brought tears to my eyes.

check it out:

This short film was made by India Weaver

It starts with a voice over with a heart beat playing in the background talking about how big his hands were and how worn they were but how they could fix the most delicate of things. What a beautiful was to describe someone.
The heart beat gave the movie an anxious feel making the audience feel uneasy. However it worked beautifully in creating rhythm and pace.
To be the image of the flower shows not only growth but beauty from the inside. A flower starts closed off and sheltered and as it grows it lets that inner beauty out to blossom. I thought this was a really beautiful and symbolic image to include. Her found footage was race driving, her Grandfather from what I believe was a professional RaceCar Driver so it gives a warm and very nostalgic feeling.

“If you place your hand in his, it was always secure”

This video was in memory of her Grandfather who had passed 4 weeks prior to this video. It was extremely touching and I can tell she really captured the essence of her Grandfather in the video since I have never met him but feel as though I’ve known him a life time. Well done India incredible work.