ROOM WITH A VIEW (A lovely one at that)
Playing around with zooms is something we had the pleasure of doing today as it allowed us to familiarise ourselves with the types of equipment that we would I assume be using quite often. We learnt about popping noises and cracking noises where to, and not to record and the appropriate levels we should hold the microphone for the clearest and highest quality interview. We also introduced ourselves to the other class mates who we will being working alongside the for the entire studio so it was in my best interest to start off on a good foot and really get to know the girls and guys. To my delight they were all divine and I think I will really enjoy myself working alongside these people for the next semester. What I look forward to is making new connection improving my skillset in radio on and off air, however I have a bigger passion for being on air as I live the thrill of being on air and really enjoy communications.
Today was extremely successful, Kristen and Georgia did a fantastic job hosting a crisp and well executed show and I was on panel. Look, not the easiest thing I have ever done but I think I made minimal mistakes and saw a massive improvement from when I first faced that ever daunting ‘radio keyboard’. I think what I have learnt most today in contrast to last weeks show, where I was hosting, was picking up on the tone that Kristen used and carried throughout the show and his ability not to hype it as I did. Being such a heavy consumer of commercial radio I found it hard not to mimic radio voices that I am so accustomed to. This is why it was important to get in tune with the overall vibe that 3RRR had long before being on air. I did this but I will be honest and admit I could have listened to the station a lot more and a variety of shows rather than just tuning in the time because it was most convenient for me. Looking at a more technical side of things I think the quality of interviews is an area we really needed to work on. Not as in substance, we hit our targets in that department but as in actual sound quality. I’ve realised as important as what the interview is about is where the interview is recorded when dealing with pre-recorded interviews. There is no use having some amazing content, but you can’t either properly hear it or engage with it because the sound is scratchy or the microphone picked up too much background noise. This was our issue in a couple of circumstances and therefore hinder the overall continuity or should I say experience of our show for the listener. A quite, non-echoing small room as we learnt in the early weeks of Room with a View is ideal. Trams in the background are a no-go. UNLESS using as ambience if a show or feature was about Mykis or something….but this was not our case.
If I could spend some time being little bit more critical now of my own self after having listen to others host a show. Radio is the area I want to work in if id ever be so lucky too in the future. I think the most difficult part for me was going into my first experience with a totally different vibe than the radio I have a passion to work with. However, this only did amazing things for me. We as aspiring media makers need to understand that VERY rarly will we be offered work (if ever offered) doing something right up our domain. The industry is huge, broad and flaming and we need to be able to adapt to whatever job comes our way. I appreciate room with a view for the fact that it has really changed my attitude towards new and different styles of an industry. I was never very involved with listening to community radio but I quickly learnt that they have some incredible content with young, bright minds running the show.
The Feature is nearly over. Fortunately, my dad is extremely passionate about speaking out on Alcohol fuelled violence and has witness allot of its damaged first hand- being a doctor. Therefore, we thought him to be a perfect candidate to speak in the feature. The feature is mainly factual with a serious and professional tone. We added sound effects to add ambience as well as keep our listeners engaged with our somewhat heavier point of discussion. So far I am really happy with the content we have accumulated as we cover a range of view points and provide great substance, facts and opinions. Its sad to see Room with a View coming to its closing weeks, since radio is something I am very passionate about it was great to get first hand experience both on the Mics and panelling. Bruce and Sam have been fantastic mentors all the way through the entire experience. Of course being young and full of ego I thought I knew all there was to know about how to confront my first time on radio. Don’t um don’t ah, speak clear and confidently and don’t bore. To my surprise there was oh so much more than this to learn through the guidance of our tutes. From technical elements to production and presentation I feel far more confident on air and am now egger to go out in the big bad world of community radio and have my own show. Another thing I am ever so grateful for RWAV doing for me, is partnering me with what seems to be a life long friendship and potential co-host Kristian G. In the early days of RWAV Kristian and I realised we had very similar ambition and goals and naturally partnered well. I look forward to my hopefully future opportunities working in any type of radio and thank RWAV for all I

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