In my short 3 minute piece; All that glitters isn’t Gold, I wanted to focus on how a site can be both place and non-place. Researching the history of our chosen site, upper Victoria Markets I was soon to discover the dark and grime history of its area. With a history of shootings and it once being a cemetery it was clear to see that although during the day the site wore a particular up beat and happy face once it was slowly pulled apart and we began to see a less- pleasant reality. I wanted to translate this through film and photography and sound by having a clear and distinct difference between day footage and when it was closing or pack up time. The workers work hard and long hours, you can see it in their weary and long faces. I took this as symbolic of the tired ghosts that still walk the hallways of the Market place.
I wanted to represent non-place and place through its temporary nature. When it’s a market it is always in the one place but then in a matter of hours it turns from a bustling live and colourful environment into a dark bleak space of emptiness. Filled simply with metal portable boxes. In a sense the place and its physical boundaries are permanent but its substance, qualities and features are temporary. Thus being my take on place vs. non place
I wanted use photography to capture still moments that still spoke as loud as the videos. As the photos continue rolling they become more and more deteriorated and exposing the less beautiful parts of the mark place. I guess in a sense I wanted to disturb the reality that we have and how we perceive the Market place. And as an audience we may not recognise the deterioration of the area. Which is something only really noticeable when the environment is bare and all that glitters has been put away.
Food in my project represents growth and health, which is what many people use the market for these days. In contrast it used to be a place of death and decay. There is a nice contrast when you put this Market places history back to back with how it is utilized in this day and age.
The sounds I used slowly shifted from the upbeat busker noises that played through the walls and halls of the market into the eerie and unwelcoming sounds of the market place physically being detached and pulled apart. I always layered the eerie sounds of workers trying to sell their goods. I used this sound to really drive the hardship that is still evident it the everyday struggle to make ends meat. Much like the history of the markets where there was a killing that took place after a disagreement of goods and service back in the early 1900’s.