My take On The Importance Of Collaboration

Definition: the action of working with someone to produce something.

From my understanding anybody can collaborate with another to create a piece of work. Where the beauty of collaboration really shines through is when to people who are extremely passionate in a field come together with different skills or expertise to work on a project. What better example then films itself. A film made by one person is extremely difficult and limiting in many ways. But when the best of the make up, the best of editing, directing and story telling come together pure art is in the making. And I feel nothing is more satisfying than sharing a vision with someone with the same level of passion and sparking new levels of creativity. Ultimately however issues can arise if youre partner or partners do not have the same commitment as you, you may end up taking up more of a load than others but all sharing the pride of the same end pieace which isn’t very fair. This why it is so important to make sure everyone is on the same page. As spoken in class it is important that you both or as a group understand what level of product everyone is willing to commit to, some may simply not have the time to become the next Picasso as others may have- a happy medium is always the best option- and if this isn’t good enough and you have the chance to find a more like minded person otherwise make the best of a situation and work with the group not against.

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