What is Media?

So what is media? or as also decribed ME-dia, and how do we share it? In one of this weeks’ readings it became apparent that although our media consumption is revolved around ourselves, it can be consumed in many different ways- it can be one to one, or us to many, and even a collective to a collective. All of which produce communication through responses, comments messages, opinions and statements. The reading explores how media was easier to define in the broadcasting era whereas now or post broadcasting so many new layers of media and ways we can connect have formed. For example a routinely day for me as a consumer of media in the post-broadcasting era drives this point. I wake up early in the morning and the very first thing I do is lean over grab my phone switch it off airplane mode so that I can scroll through Facebook and instagram to see any photos upload overnight (i.e internationally) and famailairse myself with any trends or breaking news both political or entertainment over facebook at that also happened overnight. So already I have visited two media platforms and I haven’t even got out of bed yet. I then go on to check my text messages, an example of one to one media communcations, followed by group emails or twitter posts. I finally get out of bed. Oh but it doesn’t end there! No my day has just begin as little as 2 minutes and I am already consuming my next bit of media as I switch on the tv and open the newspaper. This trend doesn’t finish there, whether its on the train scrolling through my phone or at uni surfing online on my laptop the consumption of media is never ending. Even right up to the point where I switch my light off I watching youtube videos, vines or on istagram. How does this affect me though? And do I have an even distribution of one-to one or many to many or many to one styles of communication spread out across my own consumptions?

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