What did you dream about?
Good question.
As of late I have been recounting very little from my dreamscape, perhaps it is this very assignment that is disrupting the serenity of my sleep… perhaps it is the fact the birds in Hepburn Springs seem to rise earlier than what I’m used to in Melbourne.
I had never written up a script, though enjoyed the process and creative expression in establishing a place/space, as well as a loose, interpretive theme to follow.
In writing my script, I drew on a morning interaction I had had with my housemate, though dramatised it as I wanted to allow room for creative expression for whomever selected the script. To me, the script felt quite “boring,” though I inserted sequential cues in hopes that whoever (if anyone) selected it, they’d be prompted to explore a type of shot structure or editing process that they perhaps had not experimented with before.
To me, a script’s dialogue feels confining, instead I wanted to emphasise motion, objects, light and auditory cues. Perhaps this was not “boring” enough, though I would consider my script successful in that it encouraged a more surrealist approach in conveying its meaning and messages.
Upon reflection, the inclusion of a dream sequence and music cues may have not appealed to most as it could be perceived as “more work” to explore, though in writing my script, I did so with the intrigue as to how another classmate would interpret the script as their own.
“You can be as experimental as you like,” my teacher remarks in the brief, though I wonder now if perhaps my own approach was too ambitious, perhaps even dismissive of the task at hand, though considering our intention of reconstructing/deconstructing genre, I’d like to think my own script was successful in prompting classmates to consider conceptually how they would portray such an interaction and dream sequence, exploring film and genre in a non-linear format.