an instant thought on instant photo sharing

Just a quick thought on Instagram.
I am a passionate Instagram user and lover of the app, don’t get me wrong, but as I scrolled through my feed the other day, I came to realise how it has made people less observant and even a little impatient (when what you want does not load in 0.3 seconds you start to consider what kind of world and century you live in that you have to deal with such atrocity), because of how you’re accustomed to scrolling quickly past photos and if you feel as though you like the look of a photo you double tap and like it instantly.
There are only a small percentage of people who actually take the time to look, observe, analyse a certain photo, even though many photos may have taken a long time to edit or create.

Next time you’re scrolling through Instagram, try and look at one photo for more than five seconds because you may see something you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

(sidenote: I do not work for Instagram)

“noise soup. i just made it. taste it with your ears”

There is a huge difference between noise and sound; a huge difference between hearing and listening, and they all depend on the person and the situation. Taylor Swift’s latest song could be an amazing sound to one person, yet simple racket and noise to another. You may be hearing your teacher talk in class, but not really actively listening and absorbing the information because you’re too busy on with the laptop infront of you (this may or may not be from personal experience).

It will be difficult to find someone who can confidently say that they can go days without listening to music. Even though you may not be intentionally listening to music from your phone, you will still experience different sorts of music and sound, either it be in the background, as you pass a store or in a television advert! I cannot go an hour without listening to music (unless ofcourse I’m watching a movie or a tv show, but then again, I’m always looking out for the soundtrack in these). When you’re on the train, walking down the street or just at home, you listen to the sound of music, in order to block out the noise of the outside world.

I may be moving more to the music side of this post that was actually supposed to be on sound but I think it is very interesting what music can do to a person, psychologically. Watching a lot of medical shows myself, I have read into the fact that many surgeons listen to music whilst in the operating theatre, for the main reason that it reduces anxiety and stress, therefore improving their overall performance throughout the procedure.

So if anyone’s feeling a little bit stressed or want to block out the noise of an annoying neighbour, here are some songs obviously related to this discussion:

ideas for project brief 3

For our 3rd project brief, we are asked to create a 2 minute media portrait of someone we know. The first person to come into my mind was my MUM, because she is awesome and I have a lot of ideas that I can put into this video to represent her.

Some quick ideas I have:

1. Photos of her in the 90’s when she arrived in Australia from Vietnam (to show how hip her fashion sense was back then)
2. Old photos of me and her when I was young
3. A video showing all the small, quirky things she buys + collects to put around the house
4. An audio recording of my short interview with her (possible talking about her immigration  and how that has changed her life)
5. And other things that are still in the thinking process

I want to show her as a fun (and funny!!), outgoing, family person who goes out of her way to make others happy

Hopefully this 2 minute video will do her justice 

Project Brief 2: Media Self Portrait Explanation

The main aim of Project Brief 2 was to create a one minute self-portrait video which allowed viewers to have an insight on who we are through the use of photographs, videos and sound.

In my video, I wanted to show people my fun, colourful life that consisted of family, collections and how media plays a big role in my life.
The audio recording of television news in the very beginning of my video shows my obvious interest in the media and a current affairs.
The short part where you hear me play the piano tells the audience of an instrument I used to play when I was young, though not very good, I did like it, but it ended with a smash of the keys at the exact time my Edgar Allan Poe quote appears on screen. This gives the idea that sometimes, it did drive me a little bit insane when I couldn’t get the notes right.

I think what worked well in my video was that the photos in the beginning were of very high quality, making the footage look colourful and vivid like the idea I was trying to put forth. The different clips gave the audience a nice window into myself.

What did not work well and what I would like to improve on greatly next time was that some of the video footage that was in the last half of the film was of low quality. The two factors that I believe played part to it not being as high quality as the other photographs was the camera and the lighting. Another idea that may have confused the audience was how the content may have seemed random, because it did not tell a linear story. But after explanation, it will make sense.

de bono de bono

Today in class we were taken back to those happy-go-lucky times in primary school where the only things we worried about was if our Faber Castell connector pens were in the right order, if we remembered to bring our hats to avoid that evil, “No Hat No Play” rule and finally, those colourful Dr Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.

Here’s a link which summarises each hat for those who have either forgotten or have not yet been introduced to such a phenomenon:

In groups, we went around and shared our lo-fi self portrait media pieces and received feedback from different people.
One of the ‘yellow-hat’ thoughts I received was that with my audio recording, a vivid image of what was happening and the surroundings could easily be pictured, and that the photos showed a clear representation of my character.
A small ‘black-hat’ feedback was with the audio recording, I have a snippet of a song in the beginning, which may cause copyright issues. This I will remove.

Getting compliments aswell as constructive criticism from peers was affective in helping me with my second step, editing, removing, adding and then creating a one minute video for my Media Self-Portrait Project Brief 2, where I add all my different components into one footage.

This is currently under construction.

Lo-Fi Media Self-Portrait: Quick Explanation

How each media material helps represent and communicate myself:

The photos:
1. The snow globe photograph shows my love for snow globes, winter, travel and architecture.
2. The photo of the DVDs, at first glance, the bright, eccentric colours is what pops out the most, showing how I like my life to be colourful, exciting and standing out from the crowd. This photo also represents my obsession with DVD collection, television and pop culture.
3. The photographs in the third image shows my grandparents and their children (my mum, aunts and uncles) in 1982 when they were still in Vietnam, and the photograph below it is of my one-year-old self and my cousins. This shows my Vietnamese culture and gives people the idea of how important family is to me.
4. The final photo is of an old vinyl. This represents the obvious, my liking of the band ‘Cheap Trick’, but also symbolises my love for music and traditional ways of enjoying it.

The videos:
1. The first video uploaded communicates the idea that I am a relaxed person. The people laying on the grass, the sun and the music all produce a calm but fun atmosphere. (Although, ironically, right at this point of recording, I had a huge cramp in my leg and could not move)

The audio recordings:
1. The sound recording of my baby cousin laughing and my mum, grandma and aunty talking to him communicates a tight-knit, fun family in which I am a part of
2. The second recording is of a microwave and then of news on the TV. This communicates the idea that like every other human being, I sometimes heat up my food… but also that I enjoy keeping up to date with current affairs and what’s happening around the world. Watching the news is a daily routine. (One of the reasons why I am doing media)