First Media Class: Dear Future Self…

Tuesday 3rd March:

First day of uni and the first thing I discover is that there is a lot of people, in a lot of places, during every hour and every minute of the day.
Elevators are not always an option.
Taking this many stairs will make me a very fit person by the end of this degree.

My 1:30PM Media 1 lectorial (which isn’t even a word according to my computer), had us thinking about things we want to be able to do, or be better at after completing this degree (Bachelor of Communications, Media). My quick list consisted of the following:

1. How to write an incredible media based essay
2. Create a non-amateur product (especially in the film department)
3. Become a great journalist
4. Be better at editing footage and photographs
5. Become completely confident in using a wide-range of technology
6. Understand how media affects different parts of the world, mainly Asia since I am studying ‘New Media, New Asia’ as a contextual
7. Have done a fair amount of work on SYNFM + RMITV
8. Know exactly what I want my career to be (or not… because careers change all the time)
9. Be able to work in a well-known company/industry
10. Continue the awesome friendships I have made during my stay here (aww)


waiting an hour for a free schnitzel roll


                                                                      It’s Elle




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