Week #11 Practical: Audio Essay rough cut

By rough cut, I mean really rough cut; so rough that it doesn’t exist at this point. My group has been through a plenitude of re-hauls in direction, from social media to audiences and back and it seems like we’ll never find a nice topic to settle on. At this point, we’ve a rough draft of a script with parts floating around in all different directions.

We had complications with one of group members (who was on narration) during the past few days which set us back a week but we can and will rebuild. Audition is a feisty beast that can be tamed.

Brian set us in motion with a few tips on the texture of the essay, recommending we head down to the ACMI site and catch some ‘on-the-fly’ audio. And so we did. And what a journey it was. The other members of my group had never been so it was an enlightening experience for them personally (I hope/I guess) and for us as a group, which may sprout newer, more creative ideas in the future. Bring on week 12.