Everyone’s A Critic week 6: something!

Monday we spoke about curationism: the role of the curator in popular culture. The weirdest part about reading the articles was that the name “Hans-Ulrich Obrist” stood out to me as if I’d heard its Swiss enunciation before – and as a matter of fact I had. Turns out I follow the bloke on Instagram (@hansulrichobrist), and have for many years, one of those random follows back in the early Insta days that I have come oddly sentimental about unfollowing (through my many unfollowing sprees – hey I’m a curator too!). Every now and then I scroll past one of his photos in my feed and wonder who the hell this guy with the frameless glasses that posts seemingly random works of art is, before scrolling through his profile and accepting once again that whatever he posts is cool, and he can’t be cut this time. Passive curation. I think that curationism is important in contemporary society given the endless blasts of content that we are subject to nowadays. Plugging into the feeds you find important or funny or engaging or interesting (whether you agree or disagree with whatever they’re posting about this time) is really the only way to comprehend the noise that is coming, and never stops coming. Like tuning a radio or something.


Wednesday was an engaging change, and while not as confident in my ability as last week, being given an activity and having to report back to the class at large is a sure fire way to get the brain cogs oiled up, even if not enough to throw me straight into writing mode. Master of None + time: a genuinely interesting writing concept if not too on the nose or easy to strain a piece around. I can see myself putting words to paper in the future on something to do with this – in relation to a) Netflix? (binge-watching, notion of time across episodes/seasons), b) relationships central to the show (season 1 and/or season 2), or c) something else (leave ideas in comments ty).

This blog post is technically late (post-episode 16) but the Twin Peaks x class postponement thread is still alive and well. Pls Alexia I crave the unhealthy validation of being first to watch or listen to something……………..

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