- Actor-network theory – Latour – way of thinking about meshes, interconnectedness
- Internet is a network, has no command and control, no hierarchy
- Latour
- ‘matters of concern’ – when somebody, through their practice, says this matters
- Anthropocene – “relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.”
- matter of concern – moral panics?
- all these trails that have to come to for something to matter – safe schools only became a matter of concern when conservative politicians brought it to the fore
- remindmebot – 15 years when this is dominant teaching in high schools
- learning = trying to achieve a qualitative change in your understanding – not knowing more, it’s knowing differently
matters of concern
- learned how to see things from other perspectives, from the perspective of things (non-anthropocentric)
- realised that story isn’t everything, that the formal elements of something may be much more interesting than the narrative these elements are telling
- learning to be open to new things/theories
crit feedback:
- ripple effect gives impression of looking through water
- colour across 4 panels – red, blue
- “searching” description of audio
- video – relation between images of human bodies, audio – relation between voice and non-human aspects
general feedback/notes:
- different analysis when viewing your work with others
- process – video influencing audio, audio influencing video? – order of creation
- limitations of our technology – inability to hear sound accurately/wholly through class speakers
- idea: extract small clip of Offenberg audio and make sounds with that
- confidence with ‘banal’ imagery noted
- contextualising practice – different opinion/interpretation from creator to viewer
- reassurance that what we are doing is interesting