Participation (or lack thereof)

  • Make notes on the readings. Attempt the Cornell note-taking method for one reading. See if this works.
    • Ok, I did make notes on the readings but I would have liked to expand on them more than just highlighting. Cornell note-taking method did not come up, I forgot that amongst blogging and everything surrounding this class I have two other classes that needed attending to. I’ll try better next week.
  • Socialise – make an effort to talk to others. We’ll see.
    • I should’ve specified that this meant to others in class. That did happen, although it was mostly around groupwork. My group is cool. I was particularly social outside of class though which perhaps explains my lack of participation in the other areas.
  • Start assignments earlier. Start this assignment today (Thursday). Work on it for at least an hour each day (7 hours minimum all up) until next Thursday.
    • Welp, this was a bold statement. I think 7 hours was possibly a little much for such a light assignment, but I also felt that I didn’t contribute as much to the groupwork as I could’ve. Still, we’re only a third of the way through this semester.
  • Familiarise myself with content, definitions, concepts. Re-re-read Bogost. Read a chapter at a time. Go back to Rushkoff and read 2 chapters again.
    • If by ‘re-re-read Bogost chapter 1 and read 2 chapters of Rushkoff again’, I meant read Bogost chapter 2 and maybe come back to some parts of it throughout the week then I would have 10 points. But for now, I’ll settle for 3/10. So much to read, so little time (to get inspired to do so).
  • Refine documenting/filmmaking skills. Practice doing things outside of classwork. Document things unrelated to assignments. Make these into blog posts, 3 by next Thursday.
    • This kind of happened, the 1/3 of these ‘noticings’ still remains in draft mode but I promise I’ll finish it today. A lot of other thinking happened. I should carry around a little notebook to counter my forgetfulness.

I give myself a generous 4/10 for this week.

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