Tuesday’s notes

  • We are the environment of 10,000 species.
  • We are hosts to the ecosystem of 100 trillion.
  • Invert your centrality.
  • QQQs:
    • How casual can it be?
      • As casual as you want, but keep in mind that your grandma can read your blog. And the big bad copyright men.
    • What are we supposed to notice?
      • Relations.
      • Blog like you post to Instagram.
    • Why five posts a week?
      • Technological resistance. Turn it into a habit. Second nature. Get into the habit of noticing and documenting, a la the name and aim of the studio. Do it all the time, embed it.
    • What is expected in the blogs?
      • Idea starters: pick a sentence/word from the reading and write about it. Take a photo of something. Scale doesn’t matter.
      • 5 posts on topic.
      • A blog post should be self-sufficient, cinematic: like a single shot, not a long take.
    • Can we have blog time in class after different discussions?
      • An enthusiastic yes.
    • About class or our lives?
      • The best do both. Give life context to your writing.
  • Intrinsic motivation: the strongest motivator.
  • A return to the finite quality of media. Stories end because the media we put them on have an end.
  • If our media doesn’t have an ending, do our stories need to end?
  • Rushkoff – games: players replace readers.
  • How to read:
    • Slow it down, go around the sticky bits, mark the parts and bring them to class for routine unsticking.
    • The reading/playing music analogy has merit of course, but notes in a song are a different breed to words in a book. About big concepts.
    • Understand the reading before taking notes. If you don’t understand, your notes won’t reflect which parts matter. Don’t stop because you’re stuck. Reread.
  • Cornell note-taking method

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