Week #7 Practical: FEEDBACK

‘Bound For Success’ by Cody Nelson

I love everything about this but the onscreen text: the fonts, the full stop at the end of your name at the title, and the positioning of the band member’s names and titles make me angry but it’s only because I love that you that I feel I can say this. The backing music (which even comes from the band) fits nicely and is set the right level. Shots which include the lead singing directly into the camera (and in the recording studio?? as a whole) work excellently to fit the tone of the video. Achieves a very professional look, thanks to the lighting and framing of the central interview. Cool.

‘Vic’ by Holly Karas

Probably the best use of found footage in the class. Backing music is maybe a touch too loud and the interviewee maybe repeats herself towards the end (surrounding stage fright), but makes up for it in that she expands on her previous points and that it isn’t simple repetition. Framing and lighting are excellent and it flows really well.

PB3 by Isobell Roberts

I like how you broke the rules and shot in a car, very ambitious. The second (side) angle on the main interview is probably my only criticism, but makes up for it with a nice little green garden. Central message is awesome. I totally agree. Love the muuuuuuusic, and that it juggled the interview with a day in the life of.

‘A Closer Look at Katie Amantidis’ by Penelope Amanatidis

I hate how you exposed your sister for only studying 7/8 subjects at school but I appreciate that you spent like 7/8 hours on editing this (at least in one session). The brief little flashes of light on your interviewee’s face totally elevates your interview to celestial levels (see: the ending of To The Wonder). Music also helps with this. Switching of frames between sections of the interview also is a nice refresher and keeps the content feeling new. Shoutout to bensound.com.


Love u all though

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