Alas, here I am nearing the conclusion of my PB3 process. After missing (passing up on/being lazy to the point of frustration and quitting on/chickening out on) the opportunity to record my footage last week, I train’d it home (like I seem to have to do every weekend), launched myself into the latest season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (known to calm my anxiety in other situations), talked myself into the recording process (after previously talking myself out) and went for it. My nerves settled quite readily and I was able too conduct myself in a fairly professional and confident manner. Considering the fact that’s my interviewee (Graeme) is my girlfriend’s grandfather the affair was comfortably casual and he was willing to work his way through the designated questions with relative ease. The entire interview process clocked in at just over an hour (my eyes kept flicking over to the ZOOM mic to ensure that it hadn’t stopped recording or blow up in the minutes between), concluded on friendly terms, and gave me a little confidence boost on my ability to conduct quasi-‘professional’ media practice. Although I spoke little and left the answering up to Graeme (based on my self-conscious assertion that editing out external sounds is a pain in the ass; which it is) the process was enlightening, both in terms of honing my media skills and understanding the life of the man himself; and what a life it is.
I find editing quite soothing, not as stressful as others in this course seem to aggressively note. Again, my perfectionist nature (which I am slowly beginning to overcome, whether it be from sheer laziness or other things) ensures that no rookie mistakes are made (brief flashes of black screens, etc–although in saying this I bet I fuck up at least 3 different parts) and that I obsessively deliberate over what may be the finished product, deciding whether to leave it as is, or add/remove something else. I try to avoid the latter because I can’t make decisions. Premiere and Audition, at least at their most basic, are easy enough to traverse and pose no real problems for me (or my precious HP laptop which, unlike previous (school) laptops I’ve been forced to use). I spent 8+ hours editing yesterday and it was one of the best days of my life. I like editing.