Week #4 Practical: Sound Exercise

Problems, problems, problems: from the get go we were in deep, another group letting us in on the fact that they were told not to record in the library (“copyright”) so of course, we rebelled. Penelope and I commit treason against RMIT. On top of that, our recorded audio was quiet, partly my fault due to the fact that I knew my voice wasn’t coming through clearly but kept going along with it (don’t pretend like you voice is something you actually want to hear) but we didn’t let that stop us. At this point in time I’m as confused about the microphone settings as I was before we even discussed them in class (wind sock?). It has been a busy week (not in terms of work, I am so behind) in that I spent way too much time not doing what I should’ve been doing (reminiscent of my year 12 year), and too much time doing anything else. In turn, I delayed my learning about Adobe Audition until now, and in some ways I guess I regret it; I feel as if my audio file could’ve been cleaner, its ‘signal to noise ratio’ a little off in some parts, but 9+ minutes of dialogue is an effort to traverse your way through. I am a fairly quick learner when it comes to the likes of Adobe programs though, so I’m sure I won’t have too much trouble figuring out the intricacies of the software. The content of our interview is much more enjoyable than the presentation of our audio (poor quality audio is a pet peeve of mine, but I hope you can survive). Better luck next time.

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