Monthly Archives: April 2016
Movies I’ve watched this week – 29/04/16
Week #8; a three-stack on Wednesday definitely didn’t help with any of my course work.
A Bay of Blood (1971) dir. Mario Bava
Italian horror is at once the greatest and most intriguing slice of cinema. ★★★
Vivre sa vie (1962) dir. Jean-Luc Godard
My first Godard; so methodically attended to and precisely laid out both visually and narratively that my knowledge of its production seems odd; among many other changes to the final presentation was the fact that Godard switched the endings, from Nana surviving her ordeal to becoming a victim of it. This supposedly led Anna Karina on another suicide attempt, an activity seemingly common in her and Godard’s problematic relationship. Nonetheless an ecstatic entry into Godard’s oeuvre. Maybe a masterpiece. ★★★★½
Tangerine (2015) dir. Sean Baker
“Feels fake. Los Angeles is a beautifully wrapped lie.”
An explosive, literally in-your-face, volatile experience; Baker’s use of iPhone to film lends itself thematically to exposing the LA underworld in all its oozing filth in pesudo-documentary fashion. His use of music here is fantastic, as if the film itself is broken into sequences of visual dubstep (in the best way possible) and Tangerine exists in itself as an ode to indie filmmaking and its possibilities. Donut time forever. ★★★★
Short Cuts (1993) dir. Robert Altman
The final week of Altman season (though a one off Monday screening is happening next week), once again presenting his work in glorious 35mm (this has failed to find itself a home on blu-ray so what I saw was the best looking copy of it). One of the biggest films I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. All 9 storylines are attended to equally, Altman balancing insane character arcs with plentiful humour and agonising drama in a similar vein to Nashville, only here it feels more sincere, more relevant (to me, at least. I’m not from Nashville). I dare you to find a better cast, I double dare you. 3 hours feels like 1 hour and I could sit there for another 5. ★★★★★
Captain America: Civil War (2016) dir. Joe Russo, Anthony Russo
Eagerly attended a midnight screening for this, only to have my heart ripped out and torn to shreds. Best Marvel movie ever my ass.
Written for Letterboxd:
Disclaimer: this is a generic good v bad list of incessant and hyperbolic ramblings.
– Spider-Man skips ye ol origin story and bounces right into the action, his scene big on building genuine laughs and positive vibes for future reboots. But you just. can’t. beat. Tobey.
– Fight scene finale (this) is a major plus (especially that shield drop), but ultimately left me longing for more intimate mano a mano close-knit man to man hand to hand combat instead of dumb “hi my name is Spider-Man and have you guys seen Star Wars?????” remarks. Whether I was once again experiencing the wrath of my mortal enemy cinematic fatigue, or the plain fact that my seat was too close to the screen, or even that I’m just again a piece of shit again and was prejudiced against this type of action from the beginning, but I felt that most moments of action seemed a blur, almost choppy in presentation (not at all aided by plentiful cutting). This almost makes me appreciate Batman’s crime fighting sequences in BvS even more.
– Smaller scale drama as opposed to end-of-the-world crazed villain is definitely beneficial. If this is the first step in the closure of the Avengers storyline (for the sake of purpose; to put an end to world-shattering villains that are always and obviously defeated in the end) then it’s a step in the right direction; interior fragmentation. Gives much needed weight to previous MCU entries.
– The endless, cringey one-liners between heroes among the action is starting to become grating; especially Hawkeye’s “people don’t usually talk this much in a fight” (paraphrasing), anything remotely involving tic-tacs and generally all comments Spider-Man makes in the fight (bleh). I can’t be the only one who finds these repetitive Avenger quips unfunny.
– It looks kinda gross. For a hundred million dollar production with firm emphasis on CG characters, Civil War shines as a glorified, computer-generated fuckfest of a film. How Tony Stark still manages to look like a bobblehead in his IM suit is beyond me (???). The fight is made only more bland and lifeless with the enormous amount of pedestrian space surrounding the central confrontation.
– If you know anybody who says the “have you guys seen that really old movie Empire Strikes Back” comments were their favourite part of the film, remove them from your life immediately.
– Fuck Spider-Man’s TOO damn smooth all CG suit.
All in all:
The sleep cycle app gave me a 100% sleep rating last night but my eyes are so god damn itchy that I feel like it’s lying.
It’s time to stop
Dear me,
Stop going to midnight screenings of expanded cinematic universe comic book movies at their midnight screenings, especially after already juggling your Wednesday night double feature cinematic fatigue. It’s not good for your health, your conscience, or your wallet; or your brain, to which the tedious and repetitive narratives of Marvel’s superhero-loaded platter of for-TV looking cinema series eat away at every time you give in to another coffee-fueled film frenzy. You’re always going to be disappointed. It’s just about learning how and when to tolerate that disappointment. You’ll thank me later.
With love, me.
beginning: NAR, middle: RAT, end: IVE
What a wonderful, diverse world we live in; storytelling is an ancient art, and the platforms that are available to us today posit some of the most exciting and grand possibilities in the universe of narrative. Film, put bluntly, is my obvious favourite of these, and when a story is told with the most perfect of graphic and sonic accompaniment the results are nothing short of fireworks. Personal favourites of mine tend to adopt a understated or simplistic approach to narrative, but a great portion of my list does delve into the depths of storytelling. Other favourite narrative characteristics include: a consuming sense of ambiguity (and especially in the ending) [eg. The Lobster], lead characters who are loners or introverts and have been discarded or dismissed by the greater society at hand (eg. Taxi Driver, Dead Man), a holistic approach to universe and in turn narrative form (eg. The Tree of Life), anything remotely regarding the space opera likings of Star Wars, characters with underlying voyeuristic tendencies (eg. a large portion of Brian De Palma’s works) and especially naturalistic, verisimilitudinous French dramas (eg. Éric Rohmer’s body of work).
Upon my initial viewing, this week’s film, Mystery Road, left me wondering why the course coordinators specifically chose this film to represent the narrative week; but after further discussion in class I had come around to it, and Australian film as a whole. The notion of a sequel being released in a few months eased my dissatisfaction with the major plot points left blowing in the wind at the film’s conclusion (the final shootout’s authenticity and volatility definitely aided my enjoyment). But from what I saw, it’s the people that are the monsters, not the dogs.
Week #7 Practical: FEEDBACK
‘Bound For Success’ by Cody Nelson
I love everything about this but the onscreen text: the fonts, the full stop at the end of your name at the title, and the positioning of the band member’s names and titles make me angry but it’s only because I love that you that I feel I can say this. The backing music (which even comes from the band) fits nicely and is set the right level. Shots which include the lead singing directly into the camera (and in the recording studio?? as a whole) work excellently to fit the tone of the video. Achieves a very professional look, thanks to the lighting and framing of the central interview. Cool.
‘Vic’ by Holly Karas
Probably the best use of found footage in the class. Backing music is maybe a touch too loud and the interviewee maybe repeats herself towards the end (surrounding stage fright), but makes up for it in that she expands on her previous points and that it isn’t simple repetition. Framing and lighting are excellent and it flows really well.
PB3 by Isobell Roberts
I like how you broke the rules and shot in a car, very ambitious. The second (side) angle on the main interview is probably my only criticism, but makes up for it with a nice little green garden. Central message is awesome. I totally agree. Love the muuuuuuusic, and that it juggled the interview with a day in the life of.
‘A Closer Look at Katie Amantidis’ by Penelope Amanatidis
I hate how you exposed your sister for only studying 7/8 subjects at school but I appreciate that you spent like 7/8 hours on editing this (at least in one session). The brief little flashes of light on your interviewee’s face totally elevates your interview to celestial levels (see: the ending of To The Wonder). Music also helps with this. Switching of frames between sections of the interview also is a nice refresher and keeps the content feeling new. Shoutout to
Love u all though
Movies I’ve watched this week – 22/04/16
Week #7. Watched the least amount of films in a week that I possibly can; I’ve been knee deep in assignments, so you can’t blame me.
Mystery Road (2013) dir. Ivan Sen
Written for Letterboxd:
Stock standard Australian crime thriller, another that feeds off of the cultural divide between indigenous and non-indigenous citizens. Like No Country For Old Men without the thrills or the wit, though reminiscent in that the protagonist is a rifle-wielding introvert who bears an uncanny resemblance to Josh Brolin–voice and all. Spends all its time in the build up that the climax comes well deserved, but in no way attends to tying the knots that its central mystery unravels; even worse considering I had to watch this for my cinema class’ narrative week. Ouch. Forgettable in the grand scheme of things, but it’s the people, not the dogs, that are the monsters.
BUT, since analysing the film further in class I have come to appreciate it more: I fear I too readily dismissed the fact that it based itself on the fracture between white and non-white Australians (solely because that seems to be what half of all popular Australian films in the past decade have done; though in saying this the examples that I had seem to have slipped my mind. I think I’ll drop the point). I haven’t seen nearly enough Australian films to reject the industry so easily (keen for The Proposition, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Walkabout, among many others) and it doesn’t help that infamous Australian auteur Baz Luhrmann has plagued my neutral standpoint, but again, I’d be willing to reconsider him. We’ll see. ★★★½
California Split (1974) dir. Robert Altman
Altman season is in full bloom; another (slightly faded) but still glorious 35mm original print, which is seemingly the only way to view the film in it’s intended state (copyright with music led to ~5 mins being cut from the home video release; apparently because of Happy Birthday?). Jeff Goldblum has his (literal) 15 seconds of fame in his second feature role (and later appeared in Altman’s 1975 masterpiece Nashville) and he owns every moment. I’ve come to discover that an Altman film is kinda like a live concert; a profound sensory experience, loud and unforgiving, and always inhabited by some of the most absurd people you’ve ever seen–and you can’t help but savour every moment. Truly a riot. Elliott Gould is to the 70s what Clint Eastwood is to the 60s. ★★★★★
Vincent & Theo (1990) dir. Robert Altman
A more commercialised Altman, trimming down his multi-track audio that he has been so famously appreciated for, reducing the zooms (though some are still there, and they’re divine; eg. the scene where Vincent shoots himself in the field: the camera focuses on him painting, zooms out when he walks out into the field, then zooms in on him as he hobbles towards the camera) and moving to focus on the smaller, intimate moments of the larger story at hand. The theatrical cut, a 138 minute feature as opposed to the 4-part, 200 minute TV miniseries, definitely feels sporadic at points, sorely lacking the extra 60 minutes of content. Altman jumps furiously though multiple decades without anything but the onscreen events to guide the audience, in one scene a marriage, and in the next a child; this is not to say that there’s anything wrong with this technique, but Altman employs it constantly and the grand scale that should be achieved in lost into a series of fragmented happenings. ★★★½
Stay tuned. If you want.
Gang of Youths @ 170 Russell
Week #6 Practical: Narrative Structure in PB3 exercise
- What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait?
That life is just a series of interwoven moments, that you can be whatever you want to be whenever you want to be, but when that opportunity arises, don’t let it slip. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”, etc, etc. - How is your portrait film structured?
The portrait moves back and forth between new and found footage, using the found to illustrate the content of Graeme’s narration. He briefly details some of his experiences in life, from Bendigo to Alice Springs, and is structured around his general life in the first half, and switches to stories of experiences he has had–and in turn deconstructs in some ways his creative process through touching on those who inspired him. - What do you want your audience to make of your interviewee?
To be able to empathise with him, to marvel in his life’s work and take inspiration from his achievements and stories; never let an opportunity pass by. - How is your portrait being narrated?
Graeme provides a voiceover narration consistently through the entire portrait, and found footage acts to enhance the sentences being spoken. - What role will the ‘found footage’ play in your portrait?
Found footage plays a dominant role in my portrait. I opted to using this approach to allow the project a broader sense of creativity, representations through abstract visual cues and more literal imagery. - Does your portrait have a dramatic turning point?
If anything, the dramatic turning point occurs when the portrait switches to his storytelling, when he speaks of Alan(?) and his impact on his own life. From here, it gain momentum and builds to the climax. - When does this turning point occur in your portrait and why?
Refer to above question. - How does your portrait gather and maintain momentum?
Momentum comes from the constant narration, almost every second of the video has something being spoken, new information being offered, which builds to the finale; the supposed dramatic turning point. - Where will your portrait’s dramatic tension come from?
Refer to above question. - Does the portrait have a climax and/or resolution?
Refer to above question; the portrait builds to a finale of expression, in which advice is warmly given. In the final moments, as the music begins to drift off and the topic of conversation becomes sincere and expressive and he urges people to seize the moments they’re given.
Project Brief 3: Take Your Chances
Take Your Chances from Samuel Harris on Vimeo.
In all honestly, I had a blast making this. I enjoyed every aspect, from the casual chats surrounding the interview process to the day-long editing affairs; I’ve learned a little bit more about After Effects (a little) and discovered a few secret Premiere Pro tricks and in turn I am a lot more confident in my editing technique. But it’s well known every project has its problems, and mine is in no way exempt from this rule. By far the weakest (or most problematic) (or most annoying) aspect of my project is the audio. For starters, (literally, because this is a rookie mistake) I clipped a little too much blank space between a couple of words in the audio narration and now some sentences are replaced with a robotic sounding Graeme, something I hope to improve on in the future (maybe I’ll check out, if I have to). After mistaking this project for the 3-5 minute VLOG in Pop Culture in Everyday Life I realised I had a lot to trim, and a lot of picking and choosing to do. With the amount of content I recorded (my interview has since found its way as a 67 minute, 733mb wav file) I could’ve made a thousand different portraits with a thousand different angles; but I’m satisfied (just, as the perfectionist I so frustratingly am) with this final result.
Secondly, I underestimated the range of ye ol ZOOM mics, and caught a little too much background coughing and laughing (I was so sure the sounds weren’t loud enough to be picked up) which I managed to remove in parts, but some vital sections demanded the most delicate touch of editing and therefore couldn’t be removed. Better luck next time. I found myself enraptured by the possibilities of using found footage (so much to go through, such little time (and key words necessary to find what you need)). My portrait very much relishes in the opportunity to use such footage, and when planning I based many of my shots and ideas around these opportunities and brainstormed accordingly. If the next project, or any project in the future required us to create an entire story or video solely with the use of found footage, I would be in heaven.
In my eyes, my most successful aspect is my use of the found footage to contrast or represent the audio narration. My aforementioned dabbling in After Effects helped me create the title card that flashes up towards the end in the middle of the Charlie Chaplin skit (film projection jitter and all). After Effects is so far the only Adobe program my beautiful laptop seems to have trouble running, but I hope that won’t inhibit me from delving deeper into the clockwork of it. Overall, I’m happy with the result, and also feel as if the constant narration pushes the project swiftly to its breaking point and that this tension is released in the final moments with the candle being blown out. Although just clocking in at just over 3 minutes, whenever I watch it I feel as if the time passes much quicker.
Week #7 Reading 1: group flow
This week’s lectorial, as you all know, touched on collaboration as the driving force in the media industry today; it’s the ability to manage teamwork and, as creativity expert Keith Sawyer puts it in this week’s first chunk of reading (Group Genius: The creative powers of collaboration, pg. 39-57), enact group flow. The idea of flow, a term coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly to describe a ‘particular state of heightened consciousness’, and known colloquially as being in the zone, is built upon by Sawyer in his writings. He expands the singular flow into a grander group flow; ‘a collective state of mind’, ‘a peak experience, a group performing at its top level of ability’ (he also bases much of his research on jazz musicians of which I have a growing interest thanks to my PB3 interviewee, so I can dig this). Csikszentmihaly records four important characteristics of one’s environment that determine whether they are likely to get into flow (which I will list for future reference):
- First, and most important, they’re doing something where their skills match the challenge of the task (is the challenge is too great for their skills, they become frustrated; but if the task isn’t challenging enough, they simply grow bored).
- Second, flow occurs when the goal is clear;
- and third, when there’s constant and immediate feedback about how close you are to achieving that goal.
- Fourth, flow occurs when you’re free to concentrate fully on the task.
while Sawyer devises a comprehensive list of the 10 Conditions for Group Flow, from The Group’s Goal to The Potential of Failure (again, listed for my future reference, and because I feel like they’re fairly useful guidelines):
- The Group’s Goal
- The key to improvised innovation is managing a paradox: establishing a goal that provides a focus for the team–just enough of one so that the team members can tell when hey move closer to a solution–but one that’s open-ended enough for problem-finding creativity to emerge.
- Competition, mixed with loosely specified goals, can be just the right recipe for group genius.
- Problem-solving creative tasks (if the goal is well understood and can be explicity stated) VS problem-finding creativity (the group members have to “find” and define the problem as they’re solving it)–the two extremes.
- Close Listening
- Group flow is more likely to emerge when everyone is fully engaged–what improvisers call “deep listening,” in which members of the group don’t plan ahead what they’re going to say, but their statements are genuinely unplanned responses to what they hear.
- Innovation is blocked when one (or more) of the participants already has a preconceived idea of how to reach the goal.
- Complete Concentration
- Creativity is associated with low-pressure work environments–even though many people think they’re more creative when they work under high pressure.
- In group flow, the group is focused on the natural progress emerging from members’ work, not on meeting a deadline set by management. Flow is more likely to occur when attention is centered on the task.
- Being In Control
- People get into flow when they’re in control of their actions and their environment. This implies that groups won’t be in flow unless they’re granted autonomy by senior management.
- Group flow increases when people feel autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Unlike in solo flow, control results in a paradox because participants must feel in control, yet at teh same time they must remain flexible, listen closely, and always be willing to defer to the emergent flow of the group.
- Blending Egos
- Group flow is the magical moment when it all comes together, when the group is in sync and the performers seem to be thinking with one mind.
- In group flow, each person’s idea builds on those just contributed by his or her colleagues.
- Equal Participation
- Group flow is more likely to occur when all participants play an equal role in the collective creation of the final performance. Group flow is blocked if anyone’s skill level is below that of the rest of the group’s members; all must have comparable skills. It’s also blocked when one person dominates, is arrogant, or doesn’t think anything can be learned from the conversation.
- Managers can participate in groups in flow, but they have to participate in the same way as everyone else by listening closely and granting autonomy and authority to the group’s emergent decision process.
- Familiarity
- Group flow is more likely to happen when players know the performance styles of their teammates and opponents. When members of a group have been together for a while, they share a common language and a common set of unspoken understandings, aka tacit knowledge.
- Group flow requires that the members share an understanding of the group’s goals (because clear goals are so important to flow); they need to share enough communicational style to response mutually to each other (because immediate feedback is critical to flow).
- But if group members are too similar, flow becomes less likely because the group interaction is no longer challenging. If everyone functions identically and shares the same habits of communicating, nothing new and unexpected will ever emerge because group members don’t need to pay close attention to what the others are doing, and they don’t continually have to update their understanding of what is going on.
- Familiarity helps more for problem-solving creativity. If there’s a specific goal and the participants don’t share enough common knowledge, the group will have difficulty accomplishing its goal.
- Problem-finding groups are more likely to be in group flow when there’s more diversity; problem solving groups are often more effective when more tacit knowledge is shared.
- Communication
- Group flow requires constant communcation. Everyone hates to go to useless meetings; but the kind of communcation that leads to group flow often doesn’t happen in the conference room. Instead, it’s more likely to happen in freewheeling spontaneous conversations.
- Moving It Forward
- Group flow flourishes when people follow the first rule of improvisation acting: “Yes, and . . .” Listen closely to what’s being said; accept it fully; and then extend and build on it.
- The Potential for Failure
- Group flow happens when many tensions are in perfect balance: the tensions between convention and novelty; between structure and improvisation; between the critical, analytical mind and the freewheeling, outside-the-box mind; between listening to the rest of the group and speaking out in individual voices.
- The paradox of improvisation is that it can happen only when there are rules and the players share too much cohesion, the potential for innovation is lost.
His writings on group flow tend to pose it as a thing of spontaneity, something that requires the group to be on their feet at all times or as he calls it ‘improvised innovation’. Yet the guidelines he gives are so specific that for me, it seems hard to imagine what group flow is at all. All of these things must fall directly in place, ‘you can’t have this’ followed by ‘you’ve gotta have this’ followed by ‘you need this to have this‘. I don’t know, maybe if flow didn’t sound like the wrong word or some extra-sensory state maybe I would be more understanding.