At least halfway through the shooting and production of the final film, I still don’t really know what it’s about. As far as I understood, it was a piece about phones and technology and their almost deified position in society, but every week more and more elements are being added and I don’t completely understand the direction that the film is taking.
With that in mind, I’m just in charge of operating the camera, so I’m not too concerned about the new developments. I’m still confident I can shoot the individual scenes well. The first shoot was quite successful, despite some technical difficulties. By this I mean we were only able to secure Nikon cameras, which I didn’t know how to use. We fiddled around for a while, though, and eventually I learnt enough to shoot the simple scenes we were doing.
I’m really pleased with some of the shots we got. The lenses we used were really nice and allowed for some extreme close up shots of Alaine’s dog, who was, by and large, a fantastic actor. Some of the shots of her crunching on the bone were really satisfying and I’m sure will make a great effect in the finished product.