The Scene in Cinema – Reflection 1

I’ve been really impressed immediately by The Scene in Cinema so far. The theoretical discussions surrounding what makes a scene a scene, what determines coverage, what makes coverage work, have all been really interesting, and supplemented beautifully by all the practical work we’ve been doing. It’s super refreshing to go into a new class and shoot something just about every lesson, and I think at this stage of studying it’s really helpful to have that process of trial and error. Just noticing small things like head space and kind of lax framing all add up and if you can consistently notice small things like that I think that’s the first step to being able to shoot scenes well.

Each time we get the cameras out I notice a new feature, new button, better way to set it up, etc. And when shooting, since it’s usually group work, it’s great to hear everyone’s opinions on how they think a scene should be covered. Usually having plenty of opinions doesn’t result in a debate but in a compromise that ends up being better for the scene overall.

At the rate I’m learning and noticing stuff, by the end really my main goal is (duh) to be able to shoot a scene efficiently, professionally, and creatively. I’d also love to be able to apply a deeper understanding to scenes as I watch them, and note to myself the coverage, shot selection etc to a greater level. When watching a film I can make note of things shot choices editing, but I think it’d be great to be able to bring it all together and analyse the coverage of a scene as I’m watching it. The way Robin’s able to discuss a scene so well and succinctly is hugely impressive, and if I could recognise half the things he does by the end of the semester I’d consider the subject a success.

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