This sketch took two Internet related things before applying parody to fulfil our hybrid form. The first of these was documentary, a genre that despite starting on other platforms has really found a place in online video, as it allows them to not have to cater to television or feature-length constraints. The second was not a genre but rather a subject for the documentary to be on – ‘internet memes’. We felt this combination made for a very online-centric topic that we could then go on to parody.
A great deal of the parody involved us simply taking the very common and usually very serious lines found in documentaries such as ‘there was no one else doing what they were doing’ and applying them to the very unserious and unsophisticated subject of ‘memes’. We also attempted to imitate the editing of typical documentaries, with techniques such as slowly zooming in on a particular aspect of a still image. This particular technique lent itself well to the internet meme topic, as they often tend to be still images. In terms of adding more of a narrative to the documentary style, we added character to the ‘talking head’, as we created three different characters based on typical figures we often see in documentaries, which we proceeded to exaggerate for comedic effect. These characters include someone with a very anecdotal connection to the subject, and a seemingly overly excited figure.