What they said

Brady has a lot to say on the recent announcement that Community TV would be moved to an internet platform. And I pretty much agree with everything he has to say.

Kiralee posted some solid notes on the lecture, which would be very helpful for someone that didn’t attend said lecture.

Rachel talks about a recent international experiment undertaken by journalist Priscilla Yuki Willson, that hoped to get an idea of how different countries and cultures define beauty. I found this pretty insightful, though I think it’s important to note that the task was given to amateur photo editors, which I feel resulted in some kind of average and strange looking edits. I don’t know, it just wasn’t ideal for an amateur photoshopper to be representing a country’s definition of beauty. But it was definitely a cool experiment.

I don’t know if every Algerian would feel that beauty involves being slightly transparent with weird space surroundings

I don’t know if every Algerian would feel that beauty involves being slightly transparent with a weird pink space glow


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