Workshop Seven: Mini Festival Feedback

Today’s workshop involved screening all the films for PB3 and giving feedback to others using the hats model. The following is the feedback for my group members Amber, Yellow hat: I like the old found footage. The link between her family history and current politics…

Project Brief Three: Video Portrait

For Project Brief 3, I chose to interview my friend Piri, who is currently studying dance full time. I knew, being a performer, she would appear well on camera and that being so passionate about what she does she would have a lot to talk…

Reading: ‘What is Collaboration Anyway?’ by Adam Hyde et al

In the chapter ‘What is Collaboration Anyway?’ from their book The Social Media Reader, Adam Hyde et al discuss the video above. It’s called ThruYou, a project created by user Kutiman from numerous YouTube videos which they have edited together to create a song. The reading discusses…

Campaign and Advancing a Cause Online

Outside of university, I volunteer with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC). Currently, we are halfway through a nation wide fundraising campaign, which naturally leads to campaigning on social media. As a grass roots organisation, AYCC relies on volunteers to run their campaigns, meaning the nature…

Lectorial Six: Collaboration

There was a clear message to take from today’s lectorial: in the media industry, your reputation is everything. Today we were given a vague introduction to the next project brief, which is to be a group assignment. The focus in class was more on the…