Workshop Ten: Scripting and Refining Research Questions

Currently in the workshop, our group is attempting to refine our research questions to reflect what we want the final essays to focus on. After some feedback from the class, these are the questions have come up with: Audio essay – How has the way…

One Year Lease

In today’s Cinema Studies screening, we watch two films. The main film was a documentary called “Grizzly Man”, but as I’d already seen this film a number of years ago, I was more interested in the short film we watched before it called “One Year…

Lectorial Eight: Media Institutions

Continuing with the media concepts that we’re focusing on for Project Brief 4, today’s lectorial looked at media institutions. The term institution comes from sociology and can be defined as: an organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose While this definition may…

Group meeting 2

Today we had our second group meeting for PB4. Now that everyone has finished they’re annotated bibliographies, we’ve started working on the script for the audio essay, as a rough cut is due by the end of next week. In order to spread the work…