Master Of None: New York, I Love You

Master of None is known for being a show which tries to show multiple perspectives on numerous issues, from personal and relationship problems, to widespread social issues. An episode from Season 2 titled New York, I Love You shows off how capable the creators of the show…

Week 12 Update

This week in class we all presented our work in class and gave one another feedback. Each group has been working on completely different projects, but they’re all looking really great.Some groups showed multiple versions of the same videos with different colour grading or audio. Mostly…


Our group decided to use a more collaborative approach to completing our project rather than having clearly defined roles. I found there were both pros and cons to this. I liked how whenever a decision needed to be made, it was always a discussion. This…

Week 11 Update

I’ve started my own rough edits of each of our videos. The plan is for each of us to complete an edit of at least one of the videos to show the rest of the group in class on Wednesday. Then we’ll talk about what…

Week 10 Update

This week we shot both Rosie’s and Bell’s scripts with out actors. Both videos were quite different, not only because we filmed each of them on different cameras with different actors, but because Bell’s required more dialogue, while Rosie’s is a driven more by action…

Week 9 Update

This week we went back to the Thornbury Bowls club without our actors in order to shoot our establishing shots, as well as some other shots which we might use to . We ended up filming over two nights, the first of which was very…

Week 8 Update

This week, each group present their pitch to the class which included their synopsis as well as their inspiration and which areas of production they want to focus on. Here’s a quick summary of each of the different projects Michael, Cody, Lydia and Adrian –…

Week 8 Development of Ideas

This week we presented our idea to the class and as well as a panel. We went through our idea, some of the photos we took and location and played “Blue Moon” by The Chromatics which are thinking of using as the song for our…

Class Exercise Reflections

In this class exercise, we experimented with pulling focus within a shot. We started off focusing up on the coffee sign. Because of how bright the light is, it was hard to focus on the sign properly. We did try changing the exposure to let…

Colour Grading

For the first clip I colour graded, I only altered the original footage subtly to explore how little I could change each version so that it would be noticeable when compared side by side, but still appear to look natural. Because of the way the…