Workshop Eleven: Audio Draft and Video Brainstorming

We’ve just played the draft of our audio essay to the class and got some feedback. The edit is still in the early stages. Currently, we only have the main dialogue track and haven’t really addressed the creative criteria of the brief.

The main feedback we got from Seth was

  • Good we stated the area we’re looking at and our research questions
  • Maybe a little more on mass media
  • End is little dense

I think we can improve all of these things without having to re-do the whole essay. Much like my last project, cutting things out will probably help make the essay feel more focussed. Adding other audio should help the audience make different connections and the structure of the essay a little easier to follow.

Although two of our group members were absent this morning, we’ve started brainstorming for the video. We’re continuing with the timeline idea to join the audio and video essays together so they don’t feel like two completely different works. We want the video to be really visual, so we’re considering a montage kind of idea, showing the different stages of audience development.