Workshop Ten: Scripting and Refining Research Questions

Currently in the workshop, our group is attempting to refine our research questions to reflect what we want the final essays to focus on. After some feedback from the class, these are the questions have come up with:

Audio essay – How has the way audiences engage with media develop over time?

Video essay – How has the engagement of audience changed with interactive media?

While still broad, we’ve now narrowed down the focus a little, making it easier to script as we can decide what’s relevant and what isn’t. I think these questions will be broad enough that we’ll have a lot to discuss, but not so broad that we can’t cover everything we want to. The hard part now is joining everything together to make it flow smoothly.

Listening to the research questions the other groups have, I think the finished essays are all going to be really interesting to see. All of the topics are really different, so the final products will be really diverse and it will be interesting to see the different approaches everyone takes in presenting their research.